Another Christmas

It is also a festival for young men and women. It is nothing more than shopping, shopping, eating, and opening a house I can't think of anything else.

Christmas is a festival with women's tickets. Single people probably don't have to celebrate it. Maybe that's why some single people can save money.

Today, I still work at 9 o'clock, but because I am on the customer's side, I can sleep late and get up at about 8 o'clock, about an hour later than usual, which is relatively comfortable because I live in the dormitory upstairs of the company.

After lunch in the afternoon, I did some work before I came up for lunch break. I played with my mobile phone again, and the time was gone.

It was 6 o'clock when I got off work in the afternoon, but I didn't leave until 7 o'clock. After taking the computer to the dormitory, I went out to eat. After walking for more than 20 minutes, it was cold. After eating, I went to the supermarket to buy something on the way, and then came back. Then I took a shower and washed clothes.

Christmas is like a purple tea. If you are alone in other places, you can still enjoy it. It is reasonable to be a stranger alone in a foreign country and miss your family every holiday!


This picture is actually used in last year's blog. I'm curious why it is 2014, but I don't understand it.

Christmas Eve has nothing to do with apples. What does Christmas have to do with Christmas Eve? What does Christmas have to do with apples??


see festival Christmas Christmas Eve Related articles for

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Comment list (5)

  1. reply Xiaoluo Xiaoluo

    Now the picture of New Year's Day should be 2015

    1. This has nothing to do with New Year's Day

      1. reply Xiaoluo Xiaoluo

        I mean, you wrote 2014 on the Christmas picture last year, which is the same as this

  2. 2014 is so sudden, it will take a while to let myself know that life is in 2015

  3. Jesus was actually changed by Satan. Another incarnation of Satan is the snake that seduces Eve. So the apple is an important prop accompanying Jesus. Laugh.

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