Jinshan Cloud USB flash drive doesn't support breakpoint resume

Occasionally, I will save files to the Jinshan Express disk. The client is the Jinshan Cloud USB flash disk, which is light and comfortable to use. In addition, small files or documents are saved, so we don't know whether breakpoint resume is supported.

Until last night when uploading files, because the ADSL upload speed had been emasculated by the operator, only a few tens of kilobytes, a 50M file needs to be uploaded for a long time, so it was suspended first, and other small files were uploaded first, and then this large file was uploaded. As a result, half of the original files were uploaded, so it was necessary to start from scratch! The uploaded information will not be saved!!! What an awesome client, even Baidu Netdisk's web plug-in supports breakpoint resume, and your impressive client can't support it! Okay, you won~

 Jinshan Cloud USB flash disk

I don't have a good opinion of Lei Budie. I wonder if Lei Budie is in charge of the project of Jinshan Netdisk? If so, I have nothing to say!

The self emasculation ability of the current online disk has reached the level of perfection. Baidu online disk was the best used online disk in China, but now it has been emasculated to pieces. Make do with what can be used. You can't ask for more, can you?


see Jinshan for ipad Baidu online disk Online disk Related articles for

Please specify that the original article of this website is reproduced from To be kicked , Link: https://itlu.net/articles/2064.html

Comment list (9)

  1. Use dropbox

    1. I'm a lazy person. It's a bit troublesome to match HOST

  2. It will be improved in the future

  3. I think it's very good

  4. I always use Baidu Cloud, which is the fastest

    1. Baidu Cloud seems to be slow

  5. Dropbox works well with Shadowsocks.

  6. I always thought 115 was OK

    1. I gave up long ago and thought it was OK, http://itlobo.com/articles/1918.html

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