100 things you should learn in college

1、 About college admission:

1. No longer let your parents pack your luggage. Know what you should take with you and where you should put your things. Be a neat and meticulous person.

2. From the first day, I will complete the registration and pay the fees. Because you will have to complete more registration forms and pay fees by yourself in the future.

3. Forget the score of college entrance examination, and the notice used up for registration is pressed at the bottom of the drawer. In the new school, excellence needs to be proved again.

4. Sort out your wallet and get used to the days when you take all kinds of money cards to prove.

5. If you need to apply for a poor student loan, don't worry. Do a good job of proof in advance, improve yourself through hard study, and then pay back the money in an open manner.

 100 things you should learn in college

6. Try to look at yourself objectively.

7. Plan for yourself. Make sure that today is different from yesterday, and get used to living a full life instead of being dull. Try to get up early.

8. Contact senior brothers and sisters of the same school in advance, have a meal and chat with them before school starts, and I will definitely thank you for this decision in the future.

9. Prepare for the first professional class. It may be difficult to enter certain disciplines without foundation.

10. Many people leave with the feeling that it would be better to come again from the first day. So what we can do is to grasp it from the first day.

2、 About University Dormitory:

11. People who knock on the bedroom door to sell magazines and credit cards during the freshman season are not credulous.

12. If you complain about the interference of the dormitory, go to the library. Diligent people can change the inferior environment by themselves.

13. Share your resources. Share snacks, lecture information, food map Also, share joy and trouble with people who are willing to listen.

14. Make your own bed table. Maintaining the surrounding environment is an environment where people want to learn rather than be lazy.

15. Get used to sharing living space with others.

16. Understand everyone. Everyone's growth track has the mark that others cannot easily change. Don't measure everyone by your own standards.

17. Keep your valuables and passwords by yourself.

18. Abide by the school's electricity regulations, work and rest time, and access control time.

19. If someone sleeps in the dormitory, don't knock the keyboard loudly. If there is a phone, go to the corridor and send messages in the middle of the night.

20. Cherish every opportunity to meet, play and sing with your roommates. If possible, take a group photo. That is your common memory of youth.

3、 About university associations

21. Join at least one club and meet a group of different people.

22. Try to be a manager and organizer, and really try to complete a project and stage in your own hands.

23. Don't regret those failed attempts to complete with all their strength. The experience of failure may be the most valuable.

24. Suffer hardship once, endure once and persist once. In the university community, many things are rehearsals of the reality that may be encountered in the workplace in the future.

25. Even if you quit the club, keep in touch with this group of friends. This is a group of enthusiastic, impactful and like-minded friends.

4、 About college classes and learning:

26. Love your school. If you can only use negative words to describe your school to others, it is not that the university abandoned you, but that you did not treat your university well.

27. Respect every teacher. Even if you think you are better than him or the class is too boring, you should not interrupt or disturb the order of the class.

28. Be familiar with office software and own professional basic software skills. Too many interns are so weak in mastering office software that employers are surprised.

29. Persist in memorizing words. Most of the people who think that their poor English ability can be made up by the excellence of other aspects regret it when they go to the employment newspaper.

30. In addition to examinations, you should also look for opportunities to write at other times. Many people are devoid of people after four years of college with their beautiful handwriting in high school.

31. Don't fail the exam. If you fail to pass the exam or fail to complete the required exam for your major, you will see many opportunities slip away after graduation.

32. If you go to the study room and the library, respect those who come to learn. It is not proper for lovers to fight, friends to chat, talk loudly, and play games.

33. Be familiar with the hot events, active people, authoritative works and the latest voice of your profession. In college, more often than not, your ability is evaluated not only by your score, but also by the average score.

35. If you are really dissatisfied with your major, learn about the relationship between transfer and inter department research guarantee as soon as possible

Policy: spend more time on auditing and self-study. The second choice is to avoid others. Once you choose, you must stick to it.

36. If you decide to buy a computer, don't turn it into a DVD player or game console. 37 Be familiar with the library, get used to the hard life of reading, and maintain a high school like academic strength. 38 Spend more time with good people. You will find that your vision, thinking and attitude are different from before.

39. Don't play truant. Once you play truant, you will play again.

40. Clean the blackboard for the teacher before class and after class. It has nothing to do with flattery and obligations.

41. Don't be afraid to ask questions. Exchange your questions with the teacher in class or between classes, which may help you to change your understanding from half understanding to enlightenment.

42. Turn off your mobile phone in class or set it to silent or vibrate.

43. The examination card is the choice for college students to recharge their batteries. I began to understand the qualification certificate of the career I aspired to from the early grades, and made preparations as early as possible.

44. Don't believe the phone number of "CET-4 answers" written in the toilet. Prepare yourself and finish the exam. You will hear many kinds of lectures, but don't fully believe in and follow the exciting opportunities. Opportunities will only be left to those who are prepared.

46. Don't give up the opportunity to study easily. When you want to start a business, think about whether this adventure is worth your choosing to give up your studies.

47. Learn to judge yourself. Am I an academic talent? Or public talents? Try everything, and the answer to this question will be obvious in the second semester of sophomore year.

48. There may not be shortcuts to solve problems, but there must be solutions. Many of the bumps you have experienced could have been avoided. Call your senior brothers and sisters and visit the teacher's office. You will find that countless people have also encountered your difficulties.

49. Don't stop reading. The world that books show you is far broader and richer than your personal experience.

50. Know the weekly learning progress of each course. For arduous courses, spend more time preparing and understanding courses after class.

5、 About personal economy:

51. Develop the habit of checking the updates of various policy notices and broaden their information channels.

52. Reasonably plan your expenditure and income, and be a person with economic plans.

53. Consume moderately, do not blindly compare, and do not worry about the temporary lack of economy.

54. The reason for calling family members should not be just "asking for money".

55. Economic independence as soon as possible. But if sidelines and part-time jobs affect you to better improve yourself, short-sighted "earning money" is not a wise choice.

56. When traveling and playing with roommates, the average level of the whole dormitory should be taken into account in the choice of consumption.

57. Don't be too stingy and generous when spending money with classmates and friends.

58. Don't skimp on the money spent on books.

59. It will be very painful if you develop the consumption habit of being extravagant when you are in college, but it is difficult to continue this standard for your newly graduated salary.

60. Sell books when you graduate. When you see younger martial brothers and younger martial sisters, give them the book. Send away your own memories and history, and eat the last meal with your classmates with empty boxes at sunset.

6、 About love:

61. Don't believe in others' theories of romantic comedy tragedy. Be loyal to your own expectations and trust your own judgments of each other.

62. Love should not be based on a large amount of economic consumption. Two people should face up to each other's economic level.

63. Don't spend too much time on the external decoration too early, because your belly is full of poetry and calligraphy.

64. Don't be afraid of getting hurt and leave no regrets. Everyone is learning to love.

65. The most ideal love is to be excellent with your partner.

66. Will I regret not telling meeting.

67. Breaking up doesn't mean bad words.

68. Never fall in love because of loneliness. You may miss the right person.

69. You should bless each other even if you break up at last.

70. Even if I am still alone in the end, I have no regrets.

7、 About physical exercise:

71. Adhere to exercise, and this is the most important one in the statement of "persistence is effective".

72. Don't form the habit of staying up late unless you have to.

73. Getting up early can buy you much more time than others, and also give you a good state of mind for the day.

74. If you burn out your body when you are in college, you may soon be unable to hold on to your work.

75. Girls should not lose weight excessively or dieting.

76. If male students can maintain the frequency of playing basketball in middle school from the beginning of freshman year, there will be a huge difference in body size between male students who work and those who do not exercise in college.

77. Take care of your own diet. Every meal should be affordable.

78. Stick to breakfast.

79. Physical condition is the foundation of everything. It's sometimes the same thing.

80. Don't rely on coffee and cigarettes to maintain your energy.

8、 About psychology:

81. In the university, not only scores, but also social outreach ability, organization and planning ability, public relations coordination ability, etc. can be appreciated.

82. You have never come to the end of anything. Hold on, or wait for time to weather.

83. It is not disgraceful or shameful to ask for help when encountering difficulties.

84. Don't care about your origin. You can change the fate of you and your parents through your efforts, although it is difficult.

85. Never abandon yourself. Try again, try again.

86. Unfair is everywhere. Try to learn to change. Anger and cursing are the most humble and powerless responses.

87. It's easy to be a mediocre college student, but it's not easy to be an independent self.

88. Don't get angry easily. Learning to control your emotions is the beginning of an adult.

89. Get out of the dormitory and expand your social contact.

90. Family is your safe haven. No matter when, remember that you have a place to go back.

9、 About growth:

91. Learn to face independently. You can always ask your parents, teachers or friends for help, but remember that the future depends on you.

92. Start caring about the society, and soon you will be involved.

93. Control your emotions to avoid an irreversible situation.

94. Be open-minded to success or failure, and stop worrying about gains and losses.

95. No longer judge people and things simply by "good" and "bad".

96. I will cry bitterly for the loss of my dream in The Old Boy, but I have also understood that dreams alone are not enough.

97. Understand parents better and care about them as they care about themselves.

98. Find an interest that can accompany you all your life, so that your heart will not be lonely.

99. Master a professional skill. Don't wait until graduation to complain.

100. Even if there is regret, it is not too regretful. Tell yourself that I tried my best, and I got what I lost. This is my university.


see college student life philosophy Related articles for

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Comment list (7)

  1. It means that I have never been to college

  2. Are there 100 things that interns who are leaving school should do

  3. The whole college life went to waste

  4. College was many years ago

  5. Well, should I transfer it to the children in my class.

  6. It's really intentional to organize so much.

    Many of them are actually very small "small pieces", which are not very difficult to do, just afraid that some people think it is not important.

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