Who will maintain user data and privacy when the free online disk goes out of business?

The Internet is a free sharing community. I believe that friends who use online disks also use it for free. The free online disk has always been the focus of the free resources I introduced to you. Its purpose is to store some files for you to download.

Of course, there are also some files and important information uploaded to the online disk, which can help you store files and facilitate your access anytime and anywhere. In theory, as long as the network disk exists for a day, your files will be stored for a day normally.

The theory belongs to the theory, but in fact, free online disks are not reliable. Think about it. It is only a few decades since the establishment of the Internet. How much has changed during this period? How many "wind and cloud" large-scale Internet companies have fallen in silence. The network is always unpredictable.

Uushare is an old and excellent online disk in China. However, on August 24, 2011, the staff of uushare posted a notice on the homepage of the online disk. Important notices: The uushare website will be closed before December 2011. Please back up your files

This is definitely not news. This bad news even reminds me that if 115 online disks, Dbank, Kingsoft flash disks and other so-called free network hard disks with a large company background will also post a notice on the homepage of online disks one day:

"We know that it is not easy to run a website, and there are too many uncontrollable factors, so we have always insisted on keeping the website running within our ability. Unfortunately, we have to announce that the website will be closed soon."

What about user data? How to transfer in a short time? What should I do if the files of those friends who have not received this notice are not transferred "on time" in the server of the online disk? Who will protect our data and privacy? Is the domestic free online disk really reliable?

I suddenly felt that when I introduced the online disk in the future, I could not put the words "stable" and "permanent storage" on a free domestic network hard disk that has not been verified by reality. That would be irresponsible to others:

1. The dbank network disk is an excellent domestic free network hard disk suitable for personal webmaster file storage ("Huawei produced" is the sign, and the word mentioned most in online tutorials is probably the word, but is this sign really good?)
2. Kuaipan Jinshan Flash Disk and DBank Flash Disk are better for free online disk upgrade (Flash Disk is made by Jinshan, which is also a propaganda signboard. This signboard is quite powerful, but like Jinshan Antivirus, who knows the next step?)
3. U.115.com's domestic 8GB free network hard disk has powerful functions (the 115 network disk was created by Yulin Mufeng, the name of Yulin Mufeng is believed to be known by most people, and even Microsoft's operating system was basically from Yulin Mufeng in those days - this is a bit "wrong"?)

Who will protect user data and privacy when the free online disk goes out of business? Starting from the closing of uushare

1、 Who did you hurt by the slogan of "permanent storage" of free online disks?

1. If you search Baidu or Google, there will be a lot of permanent online disks. Why does anyone want such an online disk? Because we all hope that the things we store in a certain place can be permanently saved there, and will not be deleted or cannot be used for no reason.

2. Uushare.com, founded on December 1, 2007, is known as a professional, stable and long-term online file storage and sharing platform. In 2007, the word "long-term professional" was quite appealing. At that time, PC hard disk and other storage were relatively small, and Internet users had a high demand for network storage. Uushare was indeed an excellent representative of online disk at that time.

3. However, no one expected Uushare to declare bankruptcy in less than four years, and require users to transfer data within a given period of several months. Those friends who use Uushare to store a large number of files and materials will naturally spend a lot of effort to download files from Uushare.

4. Perhaps, "Uushare.com network hard disk - a professional, stable and long-term online file storage and sharing platform" will become history.

2、 Are our data files and materials bound to the fate of free online disks?

1. First, let's take a look at the promotional titles of the online disk: "Fast disk - network storage | network hard disk | network USB disk", "DBank online disk | network disk | free online disk | network hard disk | produced by Huawei", "Shanda online disk EverBox"... Nobody here mentioned how long our data is stored?

2. The only thing I can see is "permanent free" (a little taste of 360). What is permanent free? It's free all the time. Dizzy... We are concerned about whether our data is permanently stored? Even if there is an accident, will 115, Dbank and flash disk try to protect our data from loss.

3、 What if one day the fast market, EverBox, DBank, etc. are also facing bankruptcy like uushare?

1. Will excellent free online disks such as Fast Disk, EverBox, and DBank close down one day as you said? impossible? Quite possible. Looking at the ups and downs of those big companies on the Internet, how many big companies with seemingly promising prospects collapsed overnight?

2. How many companies like IBM in the world can survive for more than 100 years? To say the least, even if our files don't need to be kept for that long, we always need to keep them for five or ten years. Moreover, once we put more files and materials on a certain online disk, we will become more dependent on them.

4、 The user only has the right to use the online disk. The online disk reserves the right to change, interrupt or terminate the service?

1. There is such a clause in the user agreement of the 115 network disk:

8.6 In addition to the above circumstances, 115 Network also reserves the right to suspend or terminate part or all of the network services at any time without notifying the user in advance. For any loss caused by the interruption or termination of all services, 115 Network does not have to bear any responsibility to the user or any third party.

2. Jinshan Express Quotes the Agreement on the Use of Jinshan Network Office Services, which includes the following:

      4. In addition to the circumstances mentioned in the preceding paragraph, users agree that Jinshan has the right to enjoy the right to publish the information through its website (website: http://www.wps.cn/ )The right to suspend or terminate part or all of the service by means of notice. The user has clearly known the granting of the above rights and the direct or indirect benefit impairment that may be caused to itself and other third parties due to the exercise of the above rights. The user hereby expressly expresses that Jinshan will not be held responsible for any possible liability arising from the exercise of the above unilateral right to suspend or terminate the service.

3. Obviously, if the online disk is to be closed one day, it is up to the online disk service provider to decide. Because it has been explained in advance in the "Agreement". Closed announcements may be similar to uushare:

Due to various reasons, the uushare website will be closed within three months (i.e. before December 2011). Please back up your files and download important files back to your computer as soon as possible. If the number of files is large, the file owner can use the packaging function to batch download (the function button is located on the right side of the file list).
Before closing, the website can only download files, but cannot add (upload) new files, and also stops accepting new user registration. If you have friends who have used uushare to save files, please tell them.
We know that it is not easy to run a website and there are too many uncontrollable factors, so we have always insisted on keeping the website running within our capabilities. However, we regret to have to announce that the website will be closed soon. We are deeply sorry for not realizing the promise of "long-term online file storage"! Thank you for your support, understanding and love in these four years! thank you!
Uushare staff

5、 Summary

1. This article has no intention of attacking and slandering the domestic free online disk. Uushare online disk is an excellent online disk, but as Uushare's closing announcement said: "We know that it is not easy to run a website, and there are too many uncontrollable factors".

2. As a user, as a user of free online disks, I can only hope that the "uushare online disk" will go well all the way, but I hope that the new excellent online disks in China, such as Fast Disk, Jinshan T Disk, Dbank, 115 online disk, and Shanda online disk, will go better in the future.

3. Finally, as the "small" users of the free online disk, we have nothing else but "blessing".

Article from: http://bbs.amhl.net/read.php?tid=21889


see one hundred and fifteen for ipad dbank Related articles for

Please specify that the original article of this website is reproduced from To be kicked , Link: https://itlu.net/articles/1751.html

Comment list (7)

  1. No comment, no talk. Everyone knows.

  2. As long as our information has been published on the network, it has actually been known by others, so we should use the network carefully

  3. Alas, a bad news woke up many dreamers. The 115 of the online disk is nearly 50G, and can't be shared in the future. Where can I move?
    Brother, please add my friend chain. I have applied for it for many days

    1. If there is no direct link for the time being, please visit each other for a while. You can remove my link first. Sorry~~

  4. I still think dropbox is better

    1. For the convenience of privacy protection, I am more careful about dropbox, but unfortunately, the Internet speed of Tianchao is too slow to upload there

  5. reply xxx xxx

    A lot of rubbish can be used without paying half a penny If you pay, he will shut down. It is reasonable to say that the free one can be guaranteed```

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