There is still a long way to go for image search

Recently, Google has been very strong in China. In addition to turning to Baidu, I will also use Youdao I think the translation is very useful. At least I don't think Baidu is bad! So whenever Google Translate can't open it, I will open Youdao Translate.

For a long time, I will also use Youdao Search. Today, I want to talk about Youdao's image search. At the beginning, I felt that the search results interface was not good, and compared with other search engines (Google, Baidu), it was far worse.

Why do you say this? The purpose of image search is to quickly find images. Youdao added a large banner ad image at the top of the page, and the spacing between each image is so wide. I think this is a waste of space. The first screen shows too little, and the user experience is very poor!

Not to mention the matching degree of search results, the simple user experience design of this page makes me very confused. Nima, I have to drag an image every time I find it, and I have to see your broken banner advertisement every time I turn the page. What kind of designer designed it???

Look at Google Image Search:

Then compare Baidu image search:

From the above picture, I think Baidu has done the best, making full use of the space on the screen. The visible area is the largest, which makes it convenient for users to search. The page turning is also displayed on one screen.

Of course, Google doesn't come. It turns the page automatically. Drag the mouse down and it will automatically turn to the next page.

Again, under the criticism of Youdao's image search, there is too much room for improvement. Not making full use of space, wasting a lot of blank space, turning pages without a screen showing, you need to scroll the mouse before turning pages, the experience is very bad! I hope this can be improved.


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Comment list (5)

  1. I think Google is good, and Google can preview. Youdao has never been used

  2. Youdao really lags behind

    1. Yes, it's OK without comparison. After comparison, I know that the gap is really not so big

  3. Reset? Change the host,
    No Baidu.

    1. Good thing, collected. However, I have a batch file that can be automatically modified for lazy people

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