Difference between project making and product making

1. Quality requirements

The first requirement of a project is to develop software that meets the needs of customers within the required time. The first rule is that customers are always right, and developers must follow the requirements of customers. However, because the requirements of customers are often divergent, weak logical, and non systematic, the software developed requires a lot of hard coding, plus time constraints, The module that has been developed cannot be restructured as necessary, and the project becomes more and more difficult to maintain and the performance becomes worse and worse.

The first criterion is to develop a system that is better and faster than other similar products. When the architecture of a module is found to be unreasonable, it can take human resources and time to reconstruct it, and ultimately make the product faster and better.

2. Different team composition

For projects, especially outsourcing projects, developers may come from different companies with different technical levels and different development ideas. Everyone's goal is to write code that can run. Even this is difficult to achieve.

The product team is generally of the type of elite, because the goal is to compete with similar products, which requires a good PM, a good Developer, a good Tester, and a set of scientific and efficient development process to be implanted in everyone's mind, so that the work can be coordinated.

3. Different drivers

The project focuses on time driven, because time is the cost. To reduce the cost, you need to reduce the time, and the function can only be used.

Product development focuses on function driven, with sufficient time to develop competitive products. Functions are not only functional, but also fast and easy to operate.

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1. The R&D process of the product is arduous and long, and needs continuous improvement, continuous excavation and refinement. When the product is basically shaped, the process of excellence begins. The theory and thought of software engineering have been deeply embedded into every detail of the research and development process. Every step has been documented in detail, and every change is well documented, clear and unambiguous. Every detail in R&D can be consulted at any time.

2. The project is very different. First, the mentality is different. Second, the boss is waiting for payment! When the company receives a project, it first calculates the man month cost based on the function, and then moves forward in a hurry.

In short, the product is universal and the project is single user oriented; Project completion is the product, and before completion is the project; The project is oriented to a single user. Its functions are relatively specialized, unitary and targeted. The project can be regarded as the prototype of the product in the product development cycle;

1. From the perspective of users, the project is aimed at one or several users, and the product is oriented to the public or industry
2. In terms of development, a project is a process, and the final result is a product or system or some kind of application
3. From the price point of view, the project is uncertain, and the product price is relatively fixed according to the customer's demand, adopted technology, cycle, etc
4. From the demand point of view, the project focuses more on the actual needs of users and has particularity, while the product focuses more on the needs of the market and has universality

The product in RUP refers to the result of project development, and the "project" in RUP refers to the "project" in the management field. In the project, there are few software customers, who have been very clear before development, and usually have established close ties. Software customers know more about the developers and the software itself, and the software needs are more specialized. In the product, there are many customers of software, but before development, there are no clear customers, only potential customers. Customers usually do not know the developers and the product itself. After development, you need to go to publicity to let these potential customers buy the product. Generally speaking, the risk of the product is greater than that of the project, because whether the customer will accept it or not is unknown, so the product needs to be universal, expand the range of customers, and expect to obtain higher profits.

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In a recent interview, an interviewer suddenly asked me a question: Do you work on products or projects? At that time, I was a little dizzy. Although I learned project management, this problem still baffled me. So after returning home, I checked the Internet, and then came to see their differences:

1. The project is made by the customer, and the developers can do according to the customer's needs. If they don't understand the problem, they can directly ask the customer. It can be seen that the project needs are clear and not uncertain.

2. To make a product, the customer puts forward a general, vague and unclear demand, and then the developers carry out exploratory development. The specific demand must be discussed with the customer to explore the customer's demand. During the development process, the developers need to constantly discuss and communicate with the customer, so that the customer can feel and put forward opinions after the product is released, If the customer says this is not good, then the developers need to propose solutions to the problem. If the customer is satisfied, the project is successful. Under this development mode, the project team needs to figure out what the customer needs.

In this development mode, the requirements are facing constant changes and the technology is constantly updated. How can we improve the productivity of the software team? In response to this method, Utah, the United States, established the Agile Alliance, which officially renamed the lightweight method Agile Method. Agile means lightweight, agile and dynamic. Its main ideas and guiding principles are as follows:

Four values of Agile method:

1. Pay more attention to people and their interaction processes than processes and tools.

2. Compared with all kinds of documents, the value of executable software is more important.

3. Pay more attention to the value of cooperation with customers than contract negotiation.

4. Pay more attention to the value of influencing demand changes than acting according to plans.

Principle of knowing Agile method:

1. In the process of fast and continuous delivery of user operable software, user satisfaction should be put first.

2. Actively treat changes in demand. Agile closely focuses on changes and uses them to achieve user competitive advantage.

3. Deliver operational software to users as soon as possible and continuously in a cycle of weeks to months,

4. In the process of the project, it is better for business personnel and developers to work together.

5. Establish a project team centered on positive employees, give them the environment and support they need, and give them full trust in their work.

6. In the project team, the most useful and effective means of information communication is face-to-face conversation.

7. The primary basis for project progress measurement is the operable software.

8. Agile process attaches great importance to sustainable development. The project initiator, developer and user should be able to keep pace at all times.

9. Always pay attention to technical excellence and reasonable design, which can improve the rapid strain force of software.

10. Simplification (the art of minimizing unnecessary work) is the basic principle.

11. The best framework structure, requirements and design come from self-organizing project teams.

12. The project team should regularly reflect on its operation, put forward suggestions for improvement, and make detailed adjustments accordingly.

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Comment list (10)

  1. The project is what the company needs to do, and the product is what the user needs to use
    The final choice is the user, so there will be no good products without excellent projects

    1. It's a tragedy to work on projects

  2. A project can contain multiple products, and the same product can also appear in multiple projects. Whether it is a project or a product, the specific person responsible for the implementation and the results are very sad

    1. I am the sad person~~~

      1. I am sorry to hear that ~~~ ha-ha

  3. The harmony and tacit understanding between teams are also the key to the success of the project and product quality.

    1. Yes, this is a very important factor

  4. In fact, it is better to do projects or products! All need to pass their own wisdom and efforts! Do the task well!

  5. The project should meet the needs of the company, and the products should meet the needs of users

    1. It is ultimately to meet the customer's needs

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