Is it necessary for us to celebrate April Fool's Day

The article was originally written last night, but the Internet was suddenly cut off last night. I had no access to the Internet and had to write it again tonight. This time it is about April Fool's Day. I really don't understand that we need to celebrate April 1 this April Fool's Day? A spoof 24 hours, a spoof day

Many people want to April Fools ' Day To joke for everyone, but sometimes the joke is too big, but it will backfire.

In 2003, during the spread of SARS in Hong Kong, a middle school student in Hong Kong used the webpage format of Ming Pao News Network to modify it and sent a fake news on his website, saying that because of the spread of SARS in Hong Kong, Hong Kong needed to be declared an epidemic area, and the sea, land and air transportation arteries were closed immediately. In addition, relevant reports also pointed out that Tung Chee hwa, the chief executive of Hong Kong at that time, asked the Central Committee to resign in order to not properly handle the epidemic. This April Fool's Day joke news was originally sent to his own classmates through ICQ, but some students believed it, spread the link to others, and quickly spread on the Internet, which caused public panic and rushed to supermarkets to buy food. The Hong Kong government immediately held a press conference to dispel the rumor, arrested the students concerned, and charged them with "publishing false information about SARS while knowing it was a disease". (It is reported that Zhang Jianbo, the chief editor of Ming Pao, called the rumor mongering boy that day to warn him.)

On the same day, the famous Hong Kong singer and actress Leslie Cheung committed suicide by jumping from a building at the Mandarin Oriental Hotel in Hong Kong. The news of this death occurred on April Fool's Day. Although it was widely spread on the Internet, it was once considered an impossible hoax; It was not until the major media (TV news, radio news) reported that the news was true (unlike foreign media, Hong Kong media would not create fake news on April Fool's Day), which immediately shocked the entertainment industry, music industry, Hong Kong and even Chinese everywhere. Many people said that this was unbelievable.

Famous April Fool's Day pranks in history include:

·Kremvax event: probably the first famous April Fool's Day prank on the Internet. On April Fool's Day in 1984, a news group on the Internet reported that Soviet leader Chernenko personally sent a news, saying that the server of a new Internet news group in the Kremlin had started to operate.
·San Serriffe incident: The Guardian once produced a special issue on April Fool's Day to introduce a holiday island named "San Serriffe". San Serriffe is the homophone of sans serif (sans serif).
·Television that can spread smell: The BBC announced that it would start to experiment in spreading smell through television on April Fool's Day one year. Later, it was reported that someone did contact the BBC and said that they smelled the fragrance from the TV.
·Spaghetti tree: On April Fool's Day in 1957, a BBC program reported a tree capable of growing spaghetti and filmed the owner harvesting spaghetti.
·Metric time: In many years of April Fool's Day, news media in many countries have reported that the calculation of time will be changed to decimal system. (Strangely, Swatch, a famous Swiss watchmaker, proposed a universal decimal time standard: Swatch Internet Time in 1998)
·The Leaning Tower of Pisa collapsed: A Dutch media once reported that the famous Leaning Tower of Pisa in Italy had collapsed.
·TV license: Another Dutch media once reported that in order to force users to purchase TV licenses (at that time, the Dutch government had to apply for licenses after purchasing TV sets), the Dutch government had developed an instrument that police could immediately detect unlicensed TV sets as long as they walked on the street with the instrument in their hands, The only way to avoid inspection is to wrap the TV with aluminum foil. A few hours after the news release, the whole country's aluminum foil was snapped up.
·Sydney Olympic Games: On April Fool's Day in 1999, an Australian radio station connected a foreign reporter in the morning news broadcast. He announced that the International Olympic Committee had made a decision in a nine hour meeting to cancel Sydney's qualification to host the 2000 Summer Olympic Games.
·The assassination of Bill Gates: The Internet media in China, South Korea and other countries reported on April Fool's Day in 2003 that Microsoft President Bill Gates was shot and killed while attending a charity party.
·Britannica takes over the Wikimedia Foundation: On April Fool's Day in 2005, Wikinews reported that Britannica will take over the Wikimedia Foundation immediately.
·China's attack on Taiwan: On April Fool's Day in 2005, a student from Taiwan University served as the board owner of the Joke board on the electronic bulletin board. Imitating the web page format of the Taiwan Media Union News Network, he published an article with the code name SkyMirage, "Beijing beheaded, the presidential palace was bombed", which was signed as "Central News Agency". The article lied that the presidential palace and the fraternity special zone were in flames. After netizens spread the news through instant messaging software, e-mail, etc., the whole Taiwan finally scrambled to report the matter.
·Bill Gates bought in his own name: this is the news published on the homepage of on April Fool's Day in 2006.
·In 2007, Google provided free wireless toilet broadband service.
·In 2008, the BBC broadcast a documentary about Antarctic penguins flying to the rainforest for winter.
·In the early 1990s, Singapore newspapers published an advertisement for a product called "XO Beer" for several consecutive days at the end of March, referring to the fact that this beer was only sold in bars with cushions on the floor to prevent drinkers from falling down when drunk due to its high alcohol concentration. By April 1, the newspaper published an advertisement saying that there was no such product, which was just an April Fool's Day prank.
·On April Fool's Day in 2009, when you browse Wikipedia, the title of the page will appear "April Fool's Encyclopedia, the spoofed encyclopedia (Happy April Fool's Day!)"
·On April Fool's Day in 2009, the homepage of Pseudo Wikipedia was deliberately changed to "This is not Pseudo Wikipedia", and was covered by the MV and lyrics of Never Gonna Give You Up, which Rick Astley sang in 1987.
·In 2009, Google provided "Valley Pigeon Bird Watching" service.
·On April Fool's Day in 2010, YouTube launched TEXTp after the 1080p format of high quality films. After the use of this format, the films will be composed of a large number of words, and claimed that using its format can save YouTube $1 per second in bandwidth costs.
·In 2011, Google launched the "cross search" function. [Data excerpt from: Chinese Wikipedia ]

I think that jokes like these are enough. However, some people cannot grasp the scale, or do not grasp it well, which will lead to some unnecessary consequences, even serious consequences. Therefore, I don't think it is necessary to celebrate such festivals.

A sentence on microblog: Who let me celebrate April Fool's Day? Who let me celebrate Tomb Sweeping Day
Then we can see an upgraded version of the strong man: who let me celebrate April Fool's Day? Who can't celebrate Tomb Sweeping Day.

The Tomb Sweeping Day is coming. There are only two days of holidays, depression, and working Sundays........


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Comment list (10)

  1. Of course, I have to tease those little girls in this name, and use K oil~~Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha

    1. You have a little girl to tease

  2. Personally, I said that

  3. April Fool's Day is over. But there are no fools, nor have they been fooled.

    1. This should be a mistake

      1. Yes, it's been a few days now!

  4. You don't have to think about it

  5. reply Amu Amu

    Young people remember the "festival" of April Fool's Day, 214 and 1225, but forget all about their traditional festivals.

    Although we didn't overthrow Western culture with one stroke, the main problem is that we are really too stupid and amuse ourselves. It's really sad. There is also the promotion of businesses. Everything can be publicized for profit.

    1. I agree with you, but today's young people are all like this. I like western festivals, but I forget traditional festivals...

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