The microblog system PageCookery is used and updated synchronously with Tencent Weibo, etc

When others are interested in playing microblog, I also follow the trend and set up a so-called independent microblog, named[ Grey Wolf ]Later, I thought it was boring and added a name[ Grey Wolf Weibo ]I think this may be closer to my requirements

This PageCookery program is not bad, but it has been a bit painful recently. It could have been directly synchronized with whispering, but recently it has taken a wind. Synchronizing updates, importing synchronously, and nothing else is working. Son of a bitch

There is no official update. I don't know where the problem is. I only gave up the version of. 0.9.6 to say that it supports Sina Weibo. But I can't add accounts under IE. It is recommended to use non IE browsers such as FF to add accounts

When synchronizing with Sina Weibo, once the number of words is too many, it will not be synchronized. There is no prompt. No words

Thinking that Tencent Weibo is very popular, I want to use some methods to synchronize to Tencent Weibo, and immediately put the dog to search. I found some available tutorials

I passed the test. Hey, it's really OK. I'm so handsome. I dare not eat it alone. Let's share it. It's mainly achieved through microblogging, a transit station. The code is very simple, not much

<? php
$status = $_POST [ 'message' ];
$wbtpasswd = "USERNAME:PASSWORD" ;
$wbt = curl_init ( " " );
curl_setopt_array ( $wbt , array ( CURLOPT_HEADER => false ,
CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS => "status= $status " ,
CURLOPT_USERPWD => $wbtpasswd ));
$wbt1 = curl_exec ( $wbt );

Remember to replace your USERNAME and PASSWORD [Code from: Tearless City ]

PS: We launched Tianya Weibo, but synchronization will fail. Depressed


see PageCookery Related articles for

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Comment list (10)

    1. Don't enter text, just treat you as garbage

  1. It's Weibo's API, which is really powerful, and everything can be synchronized

    1. It's very powerful. But Weibo Tong seems unable to synchronize with Sina

  2. The early test version of Dongdong was made and then abandoned

    1. In fact, after using it for a long time, I think there is still much to improve

  3. I was tired of typing when I occupied the sofa, hey hey

    1. I really miss you. So lazy

  4. It's too powerful. If I have time, I'll get it and synchronize it

    1. Hehe, it should be fun

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