Google is gone, do we have to rely on Baidu?

On March 23, Google China becomes Google Hong Kong , domain name also has Instead The main reason for the popularity of the Internet is the review and filtering of search results

It's said that since Google Hong Kong came to China, Baidu, a disgusting guy, is a large-scale K station. Those who promote Baidu, through a series of means, 'blackmail' website owners, under the banner that China is now Baidu, and all searches are Baidu's, Google has gone, and promote immediately, or the website will disappear on Baidu [the original words are not like this, but the meaning is close] KAO, these people are so Admittedly, in order to survive, the main marketing means can be understood, but can it be forgiven? Sorry, I can't forgive you!

There was news before: Example of Baidu employees in Shenzhen who were refused marketing and retaliated against customers The final result was that Mr. Chen, the relevant person in charge of Baidu Shenzhen Branch, apologized to Mr. Feng in person and asked two salesmen to write a written statement. He said that the two employees were too young, and this was an impulsive move. He promised to inform Mr. Feng in writing of the final handling, and said that no more sales calls would be made to Mr. Feng's mobile phone.

I don't have the money to do Baidu promotion, nor can I afford it. I don't want to do it, so no Baidu people will come to me for the time being

In addition, many people said that there was a vote on A5 of Baidu's recent large-scale K station. They couldn't find the link at the moment, and as a result, most websites were K's

My small website has also encountered such a thing. K has a lot of data, but since Google left, the search source of my blog is actually Baidu. But I don't care about this. I don't think it is necessary to rely on Baidu. If something is disgusting, there is no future if I rely on Baidu

Here are the statistics of my two stations: [March statistics]


see Baidu Google Google Hong Kong Related articles for

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Comment list (11)

  1. reply Zeng Ge Zeng Ge

    Climb over the wall and go to Google

  2. Baidu thinks that it has dominated the world. Bah!

  3. The traffic from Google is a little less

  4. @Wange
    I can't stand Baidu doing evil

    A lot less

  5. Even if is in trouble again, I don't need to junk Baidu

  6. Fight to the death.

  7. Google will come back, right? It will come back after strategic transfer

  8. @Sendoh
    I support you. Your website had problems yesterday or the day before yesterday

    I support you very much!

    This is hard to say

  9. Not my website, but the server That's free His own website is good, but we can't access these spaces.
    I'm so angry, especially at the joint of pr update. I don't know whether it's intentional or not. It's also very good at ordinary times. If it's intentional, it's really black hearted.

  10. @Sendoh
    Halo, from the main engine room? I thought there was something wrong with the database

  11. Baidu is good, but its Renpin is not good, and its marketing model is annoying.

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