IRC log of #dokuwiki @

For Sunday, 2 June 2024

  1. quit
    nparafe (~ quassel@user /nparafe) has quit (Quit: - Chat comfortably. Anywhere.)
  2. join
    nparafe (~ quassel@user /nparafe) has entered the channel
  3. quit
    nparafe (~ quassel@user /nparafe) has quit (Quit: - Chat comfortably. Anywhere.)
  4. join
    nparafe (~ quassel@user /nparafe) has entered the channel
  5. quit
    Emmanuel_Chanel (~ ) has quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds)
  6. join
    Emmanuel_Chanel (~ ) has entered the channel
  7. join
    pekman (~ pekman@user /pekman) has entered the channel
  8. message at
    Unfortunately I have to leave you now. So don't do anything silly while I'm not here.
  9. message at
    Unfortunately I have to leave you now. So don't do anything silly while I'm not here.
  10. join
    dokubot (~ ) has entered the channel
  11. quit
    pekman (~ pekman@user /pekman) has quit (Quit: pekman)