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Is it difficult to register Japanese companies? Need I go to Japan in person? What are the requirements and expenses

2021-10-09 11:38:13 by Jaylin View times: 6148

Yangpuju (www.witmart. cn) is a professional international service platform under Zhubajie. com. Yangpuju provides international trademark registration, overseas company registration, overseas bank account opening, international certification and other services. Its business covers more than 200 countries around the world, aiming to provide one-stop international services for enterprises. Click to consult customer service >>

In fact, it is not difficult for Japanese companies to register, and they do not need to go to Japan in person. They can register in China. As long as the registered capital, Japanese directors and local registered address of the Japanese company are met, they can be registered. No, it doesn't matter. General agencies can provide it.

 Is it difficult to register Japanese companies? I need to go to Japan myself No, jpg  

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       What materials should be provided for Japanese company registration?


1. Provide true and effective information of legal representative: scanning copy of ID card (or passport), personal address (or correspondence address), contact number.

2. Determine the list of directors of the Japanese company, which must include a Japanese director.

3. Determine the name and business scope of the company. Japanese company names can be registered in Chinese, Japanese and English, but the association must be added before or after registration. The name does not need to be checked, but can also be applied for registration if it is a duplicate name. It is not a well-known brand or a trade name that has applied for trademark registration.

4. Determine the registered capital of Japanese companies (usually 5 million yen).

5. Fill in a "Japanese company registration application form".


       What type of company should be selected for Japanese company registration?


Japanese companies are mainly divided into shell companies and actual businesses. The shell companies are suitable for brand packaging, and the actual businesses are suitable for Japanese e-commerce, opening stores and trading in Japan.


1. Overseas enterprises can register contract societies first:

Because new foreign companies are exempt from consumption tax in the first two years of their establishment, many companies have registered with contract clubs with relatively low cost at the beginning. After a long visit to Japan, they will also save a lot of money when renaming the club.


2. Match your business:

1) If you are engaged in an industry that sounds tall and needs good reputation and reputation in business, it is recommended to register a company, such as international trade.

2) If you are just an ordinary enterprise, and consumers only care about goods and experience, it is recommended to register a contract club first, and then change to a company, such as catering, supermarkets and other daily consumption companies, after becoming bigger and stronger in the later stage.

Generally, the time to register a Japanese company is 2-3 months. If you want to go to Japan for field operation or package Japanese brands and sell them back to China, it is recommended to free up the registration period before the project and products are launched.


After you have prepared the materials (Bajie can provide a template, which you just need to fill in) and determined the type of company registration, you can apply to register a Japanese company, and the rest will be handed over to a professional agent.


       What is the cost of company registration in Japan?


The fees for Japanese company registration include the following:

1. Japanese company registration fees (official fees, articles of association notarization fees, postage and transportation fees, document production fees, translation fees, agency fees);

2. Japanese address usage fee;

3. Japanese director fees;

4. Japanese account opening fees;

5. Advance payment of registered capital (5 million yen).

In the market, Japanese companies have a full set of registrations, generally ranging from 5W to 8W yuan, and the details should also be determined according to your needs. If you have any questions, you can ask Bajie >>> Consulting Japanese company registration


Generally, the time to register a Japanese company is 2-3 months. If you want to go to Japan for field operation or package Japanese brands and sell them back to China, it is recommended to free up the registration period before the project and products are launched.



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