Apple Games > Fifth personality
 Fifth personality

The fifth personality genuine iOS

immediate |Updated on: December 14, 2017
The fifth personality is Netease's asymmetric competitive mobile game. Players will play detective Orpheus. After receiving a mysterious letter of entrustment, they will enter the notorious manor to investigate a missing case. In the process of evidence investigation, the players played [Details]

The fifth personality is Netease's asymmetric competitive mobile game. Players will play detective Orpheus. After receiving a mysterious letter of entrustment, they will enter the notorious manor to investigate a missing case. During the evidence investigation, Orpheus, played by the player, will review the case by deductive method. In case review, players can choose to play the role of supervisor or escaper to launch a fierce confrontation. But in the process of investigation, when approaching the truth infinitely, we found that the truth was more and more terrible. [The wail resounds through the manor, and the broken courtyard hides a crisis] [To search every corner, you need more than courage]

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