Pet Palu Server Deployment Nanny Tutorial - Palworld Private Server Linux

[Cotton Cloud] Fanlu Palu public service server address: 8211 QQ group: 920652653

[Eudemon Paru] Three days 120W online games with revenue exceeding 100 million, 3 days The miracle of four million (the last one so powerful was PUBG)

To deploy your own Dedicated Server, you need to have a server first. The server is the basis for the operation of the Eudemon Paru. After the deployment, you and your friends can log in to the exclusive game clothes to experience. Using ECS to build a Eudemon Paru server allows you and your friends to play in a relatively independent and private space, ensuring a more enjoyable game experience.

Here I recommend Cotton cloud The server acts as the game server, and deploy the pet Paru according to the following tutorial

a central processor 4 cores (recommended)
Memory 16GB It is recommended to use 32GB or more for stable operation. It is OK to start the server with 8GB, but if you play longer, the server will crash due to insufficient memory.
network UDP port 8211 (default) requires port forwarding.

Optional server

Taking the cotton cloud bare metal server as an example, this article first introduces how to purchase it:

Purchase website:

 Paru Server Deployment Babysitter Tutorial - Palworld Private Server Linux

This physical server is recommended mainly because of its geographical location. Wuhan, Hubei Province, located in the center of China's hinterland, has convenient transportation and extensive network coverage, which can ensure rapid and stable network response. In addition, the network infrastructure in this area is also quite perfect, further improving the network response performance. Therefore, choosing this physical server can ensure that your business gets efficient network support.

Select Ubuntu 22.04 64 bit

Then set and remember the password. You need to use

 Paru Server Deployment Babysitter Tutorial - Palworld Private Server Linux

Deployment environment

  • Region: Take Wuhan, Hubei Province as an example
  • Server package configuration: CPU 56 cores, memory 16GB
  • Operating system: Ubuntu 22.04 64 bit

Operation steps

Linux deployment operations need to be completed through the command line

Before starting deployment, you need to log in to the server first, and then enter and execute the following commands in the command box. This section selects the officially recommended Linux operating system Ubuntu as a demonstration.

I use a domestic SSH connection tool

Official website:

The download is based on your computer environment, and the installation will not be described (don't install C disk for everything!)

Next, start the connection and open the software - follow the figure below

Linux default account is root

The password is automatically generated and sent to your email. Please check it (the IP address is also)

 Paru Server Deployment Babysitter Tutorial - Palworld Private Server Linux
 Paru Server Deployment Babysitter Tutorial - Palworld Private Server Linux
 Pet Palu Server Deployment Nanny Tutorial - Palworld Private Server Linux

On January 24, 2024, Ubuntu One click Installation will be supplemented

 wget -O -  | sh

Wait 6-15 minutes, and the content shown in the figure below will be displayed. You can log in to play the game, ip: 8211

 Paru Server Deployment Babysitter Tutorial - Palworld Private Server Linux

If you want to manage the service later, you can use the following command:

 #Start the service of pet Paru sudo systemctl start pal-server #Restart the service of pet Paru sudo systemctl restart pal-server #Turn off Eudemon Paru's service sudo systemctl stop pal-server #Query the status of pet Paru service sudo systemctl status pal-server

SteamCMD Download

Change account

Execute the following command on the terminal to generate a steam ECS account of

 sudo useradd -m steam sudo passwd steam

Passwd will let you enter the password, which is invisible at this time. You can enter it in the following box and press Enter

Enter the following command in the terminal, so that the sudo command can be used in the steam account.

 sudo echo "steam   ALL=(ALL:ALL) ALL" >> /etc/sudoers

If there is no sudo echo method and the display permission is insufficient, use the vim or vi editor to edit/etc/sudoers

Then add a line steam ALL=(ALL: ALL) ALL

Then enter the following command in the terminal to switch the account

 sudo -u steam -s cd /home/steam

If you reconnect the session, remember to re execute sudo - u steam - s and switch the account to steam

Download Package

Different operating systems download packages in different ways

Ubuntu system

Paste the two separately, install the later one, select Y, and then press the Tab key on the keyboard to OK

 sudo add-apt-repository multiverse; sudo dpkg --add-architecture i386; sudo apt update sudo apt install steamcmd

Debian system

 sudo apt update sudo apt install software-properties-common  sudo apt-add-repository non-free sudo dpkg --add-architecture i386  sudo apt update sudo apt install steamcmd


There is no RPM package, and there are bugs in the manual installation. The author has not tried successfully, so I will not write it here. Readers who have tried successfully can share it.

Other systems

For more download methods of steamcmd under the system, please refer to

Run SteamCMD

For the steamcmd installed on the ubuntu system or debian system, the path is /usr/games/steamcmd , you can link the binary to the system path through the following instructions.

 sudo ln -s /usr/games/steamcmd /usr/bin/steamcmd

Then enter steamcmd directly into the terminal to start the service.

When starting steamcmd for the first time, the program will download the package. After downloading, an error message will pop up, indicating that is missing. This error message can be ignored first.

After downloading, enter quit to exit steamcmd

 Paru Server Deployment Babysitter Tutorial - Palworld Private Server Linux

Now you can start to install the special server program of Paru.

3、 Palserver download

Execute the following command to start downloading the server program

 steamcmd +login anonymous +app_update 2394010 validate +quit

There is a small probability that the connection will fail. You can always retry. You can try to enter the command several times.

 Paru Server Deployment Babysitter Tutorial - Palworld Private Server Linux

The success prompt appears, indicating that the installation is complete.

 Pet Palu Server Deployment Nanny Tutorial - Palworld Private Server Linux

Modify the service ini configuration [Not required]

After the installation of steamcmd, the running path may be~/. team or~/Team. You can execute ls - a in the/home/team directory to determine whether there is a. team or Steam folder. If the installation directory is the Steam folder, replace the following. team with Steam.

Before starting PalServer, you can modify the configuration file. You can copy the default configuration file DefaultPalWorldSettings.ini and rename it to

PalWorldSettings.ini, Then manually modify the contents, and use vim to modify the contents.

 cd ~/.steam/SteamApps/common/PalServer (My name is cd Steam/semapps/common/PalServer/) But I use this step cp ./DefaultPalWorldSettings.ini Pal/Saved/Config/LinuxServer/PalWorldSettings.ini vim Pal/Saved/Config/LinuxServer/PalWorldSettings.ini

The usage of vim can be found online

Start PalServer

The next step is to enter the directory of the palserver and execute the following command

 cd /Steam mkdir sdk64 cd steamapps/common/PalServer cp linux64/* ~/Steam/sdk64

Finally, the script to start the server

 cd /Steam/SteamApps/common/PalServer ./

As you can see, everything is working normally.

 Pet Palu Server Deployment Nanny Tutorial - Palworld Private Server Linux

Memory optimization (optional)

We have received a lot of feedback from players that using a 4-core 8G server will run out of memory after a period of games. Here is a solution to alleviate the memory shortage for everyone: regular restart

Configuring Swap for Linux

Swap is a virtual memory technology in the computer system. It allows the operating system to temporarily store data in part of memory on the hard disk to provide space for other tasks that need more memory.

Step 1: Check the current swap status. If you configure it for the first time, running this command will not return anything.

 swapon --show

Step 2: Create a swap file

The "8G" in the command refers to the creation of an 8GB file that can be used as swap space to temporarily store data that is not suitable for being stored in memory. You can adjust the size as needed. For Linux, it is recommended that you set the file size to be consistent with the system memory. Here, 8GB memory is taken as an example.

 sudo fallocate -l 8G /swapfile

Step 3: Set file permissions

 sudo chmod 600 /swapfile

Step 4: Format the file in swap format

 sudo mkswap /swapfile
 Paru Server Deployment Babysitter Tutorial - Palworld Private Server Linux

Step 5: Enable the swap file

 sudo swapon /swapfile

Step 6: Set the permanent use of the swap file (the system automatically enables the swap file at startup)

 sudo vim /etc/fstab

Use the keyboard arrow keys or the j, k, h, l keys to browse to the end of the file. Press i Enter the editing mode, the cursor will move to the end of the file, and the following contents will be added to the file:

 /swapfile    none    swap    sw    0   0

Press Esc Key to exit editing mode and enter :wq And press Enter to save the file and exit vim.

 Paru Server Deployment Babysitter Tutorial - Palworld Private Server Linux

Step 7: Reload the fstab file

 sudo swapon --all

Step 8: Verify whether the swap settings are successful

 swapon --show

If the following figure appears, the setting is successful.

 Paru Server Deployment Babysitter Tutorial - Palworld Private Server Linux

No permission to modify the configuration folder - Solution

1. After logging in to the Linux server, copy and execute the following command to add permissions to the configuration file, so as to avoid the inability to edit the configuration file due to permission problems in subsequent steps.

 sudo chmod 777 /home/steam/Steam/steamapps/common/PalServer/Pal/Saved/Config/LinuxServer/PalWorldSettings.ini

2. Use the following command to copy the default configuration file to the LinuxServer In the directory:

By default, the PalWorldSettings.ini file is empty, and the threshold for manual configuration is high. Therefore, we recommend that you modify it based on the default configuration file.

 sudo cp /home/steam/Steam/steamapps/common/PalServer/DefaultPalWorldSettings.ini /home/steam/Steam/steamapps/common/PalServer/Pal/Saved/Config/LinuxServer/PalWorldSettings.ini

3. Use the following command to open the configuration file of game parameters: PalWorldSettings.ini

 sudo vim /home/steam/Steam/steamapps/common/PalServer/Pal/Saved/Config/LinuxServer/PalWorldSettings.ini

Press i Enter the editing mode, move the cursor to the end of the file, and then start writing the configuration. The effect of entering the editing mode is shown in the following figure:

 Pet Palu Server Deployment Nanny Tutorial - Palworld Private Server Linux

4. When editing is complete, press Esc Key to exit editing mode and enter :wq Press Enter to save the file and exit vim, as shown in the figure.

Esc key: generally located in the upper left corner of the keyboard, but there will be no obvious prompt after pressing here. You can directly enter: wq. Remember to use an English colon. If you enter a Chinese colon, there will be no response.

common problem

problem answer
./ Command prompt: Refusing to run with the root privileges You cannot run this script as root. You can use the ubuntu user to run, and use the su ubuntu command to switch users.
Can servers in mainland China be deployed? It can be deployed, but may encounter network problems. It is recommended that you try again when you encounter a failure caused by network problems.
What should I do if the Eudemon Palu server gets stuck irregularly? Usually, the problem is caused by the server running out of memory. It is recommended that you run the following command regularly to restart the game process to solve the problem: sudo systemctl restart pal server

Configure automatic restart for pet Paru server

Since the game program itself has a memory leak problem, you can also clean the memory by restarting the game in the server after you play for a period of time.

This section will provide you with the script to configure the service restart according to the memory occupation ratio. After you complete the configuration, When the proportion of server memory exceeds 90%, the game will be restarted automatically To free up memory usage.

⚠️ Note: After you log in to the game again, the game will go back for about 10 seconds.

Ubuntu Server

1. Log in to the server. For detailed steps, refer to the previous article Login to Linux Server section

2. Run the following command to monitor the memory usage and restart automatically when the percentage reaches 90%:

 wget -O -    | sh

Original article by Mo Tao, if reproduced, please indicate the source:

fabulous (4)
 Head of Mo Tao Mo Tao
Previous January 22, 2024
Next January 23, 2024

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