What is the function of the domain name DNS system? Should we build DNS by ourselves

Domain Name System (Service) Protocol (DNS) is a distributed network directory service, which is mainly used for the mutual conversion of domain name and IP address, and to control the sending of e-mail on the Internet.

Domain Name System (abbreviated DNS, domain name is translated into domain name) is a core service of the Internet. As a distributed database that can map domain names and IP addresses, it can make it easier for people to access the Internet without having to remember the IP number strings that can be read directly by machines.

Domain Name System (DNS) is a system that solves the naming of online machines on the Internet. Just like visiting friends, you need to know how to get to others' homes first. When a host wants to visit another host on the Internet, you must first know its address. The IP address in TCP/IP is composed of four numbers separated by "." It is always not as convenient to remember as a name. Therefore, a domain name system is used to manage the correspondence between names and IP addresses.

In fact, the DNS system that comes with the domain name can easily resolve to the target IP, so should we build a DNS system by ourselves?

Personally, I don't think it is necessary for small enterprises or individual users to build their own DNS system. First, deploying the DNS system requires multiple nodes to respond. In addition, the self built DNS system is also in danger of being hacked and hijacked, while the domain name registrar's own security is relatively higher. You can use your own DNS system to resolve domain names

Original article by Mo Tao, if reproduced, please indicate the source: https://imotao.com/6703.html

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