How to renew the free SSL certificate of the pagoda panel website

Most of our webmasters will choose to use Let's Encrypt free certificates when using SSL certificates. Although we know that only 90 days are free of charge, some of the web systems we are using will automatically renew their contracts in advance before expiration by default. The LNMP and LAMP scripts we commonly use have such functions, but some system environments have exceptions. For example, when we use the pagoda panel, it is true that the contract is automatically renewed by default, but it is not automatically renewed when it expires, which has many factors.

Whether it's a problem with the WEB panel, a problem with domain name resolution, or even a problem with server stability, today I see that a netizen has not been renewed. Laozuo told him to check the certificate first, delete the real one, and then reinstall the Let's Encrypt certificate.

 How to renew the free SSL certificate of the pagoda panel website

Before reinstalling the certificate, we need to ensure that the current website does not use the CDN, and that the website is resolved to the current server. We need to close the certificate first, and then start installing the certificate according to the figure above. The default is automatic file verification.

 How to renew the free SSL certificate of the pagoda panel website

We also need to enable mandatory HTTPS. When we operate and maintain the website, especially 30 days before the expiration, if we do not renew the contract automatically, we need to find ways to renew the contract manually.

Original article by Mo Tao, if reproduced, please indicate the source:

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 Head of Mo Tao Mo Tao
Previous 10:43 am, August 21, 2019
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