HWIDGen v62.01 Chinese version Win10 activation tool One button permanent activation free version

Today, Moto has brought you a heavyweight win10 activation tool called HWIDGen. You should know that the previously shared kms activation tool is only activated in a 180 day cycle. and HWIDGen is a real permanent activation Its activation principle is to obtain the digital rights of Windows 10.

The so-called win10 digital rights activation is an official authorization mode of win10. This activation method does not need any activation key. It will directly record your computer hardware information and save it to Microsoft's server. As long as this is successful, it will be automatically activated after the next reinstallation. Unless you change the computer motherboard and cpu, it will be permanently activated.

 HWIDGen v62.01 Chinese version Win10 activation tool One button permanent activation free version

The author of this win10 activation tool is a great god on foreign forums. Its activation principle and method, seckill all win10 activation tools on the market. However, it should be noted that, Before activation, the computer must be connected to the Internet and the Windows Update service must be turned on, otherwise it cannot be activated

What you should pay special attention to is Windows Update. Many people don't like it at ordinary times and will disable it. Before using HWIDGen to activate, be sure to restart it. If your win10 system needs to be activated, Moto strongly recommends this tool.

Download address

Baidu online disk

Link: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1TACddNRza1nYV_Nvoue4RA
Extraction code: b5st

Lan Chanyun


Original article by Mo Tao, if reproduced, please indicate the source: https://imotao.com/5336.html

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