The official website announced that Alibaba Cloud online disk public beta will be officially launched

The official website announced that Alibaba Cloud online disk public beta will be officially launched

Alibaba Cloud will issue invitation codes for some Alibaba Cloud online disks in November 2020. I believe many partners have activated them!

Recently, the official website announced that the public beta of Alibaba Cloud online disk will be officially launched, supporting simultaneous use of multiple platforms such as the web version, mobile phone, WeChat applet, desktop PCMac, and tablet device

 The official website announced that Alibaba Cloud online disk public beta will be officially launched

As for the specific public beta time, I haven't seen it yet, but to be honest, the download speed during the internal beta was really great!

After all, ordinary members of Baidu's online disk download at a speed of 300KB, while ordinary members of Alibaba Cloud download files at a speed of 10Mb/s!

It is understood that this AliCloud disk also incorporates more open features: The online disk supports sending, sharing and downloading files without logging in to the account Both parties can preview or download various files sent to you directly without logging in to the account. At the same time, Alibaba Cloud disk supports simultaneous use of multiple platforms such as web version, mobile terminal, WeChat applet, desktop PCMac, and tablet device terminal.

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 Head of Mo Tao Mo Tao
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