Strcmp() vulnerability

Let's first look at this function, which is used to Compare Strings Function of

int strcmp ( string $str1 , string $str2 )
The first string of parameter str1. Str2 The second string.
<0 if str1 is less than str2;
If str1 is greater than str2,>0 is returned;
If they are equal, 0 is returned.

Example 1

 <? php echo strcmp("Hello world!","Hello world!"); //  Two strings are equal//0 echo strcmp("Hello world!","Hello"); //  String1 is greater than string2//7 Echo strcmp ("Hello world!", "Hello world! Hello!");//string1 is less than string2//- 7 ?>

Example 2

Compare two strings (case sensitive, the output of Hello and hELLo are different):

 <? php echo strcmp("Hello","Hello"); // zero echo "<br>"; echo strcmp("Hello","hELLo"); //- one ?>

Look at a sample code

 <? php $password="***************" if(isset($_POST['password'])){ if (strcmp($_POST['password'], $password) == 0) { echo "Right!!! login success"; exit(); } else { echo "Wrong password.. "; } ?>

For this code, how can we bypass the verification
As long as $_POST ['password '] is an array or an object

This allows the above code to bypass the verification successfully.

Original article by Mo Tao, if reproduced, please indicate the source:

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 Head of Mo Tao Mo Tao
Previous September 27, 2020
Next September 28, 2020

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