Alibaba Cloud development campus partner recruitment: Alibaba Cloud code T-shirt, 10 Alibaba interns direct interview quota are waiting for you to PICK!

Alibaba Cloud is busy again. The first cloud development campus ambassadors will recruit all college students who are interested in serverless and cloud development. You are welcome to PICK for the number of direct interviews for 10 Alibaba interns, 1000 Alibaba Cloud Apsara code T-shirts, 1000 vouchers and other customs clearance rewards. Now you can apply for a Youku VIP membership card!

1. Activity website


Specific tutorial address:

2. Activity time

• Registration date: July 22 August 3

• Number of opening quota: 1000, until the application is full

• Opening date: August 3

• Registration method: online registration and appointment, and then scan the code for group learning. Make an appointment to receive Youku VIP membership card (prizes are distributed from 7.22 to 7.31 every afternoon)

3. Participation benefits

Number of direct interviews for 10 Ali interns

1000 AliCloud code T-shirts

1000 vouchers clearance reward


When you come to PICK, you can get your Youku VIP membership card by signing up now.

4. Expectant

I look forward to your joining us

• Full time college students

• Professional grade is unlimited

• Interested in promoting Serverless

• Enthusiastic about cloud development

• Love sharing

Excellent people always attract each other, join us, let's become more excellent together!!

5. Simple process

1) Cloud development training (8.3-8.11): Serverless Web development from beginner to proficient

The cloud development learning link adopts the combination of live teaching and independent learning by celebrities, learning on arrival, and online answering by technology celebrities. The learning content includes the necessary knowledge of serverless Web development, such as cloud development collaboration, cloud functions, cloud databases, multimedia hosting, front and rear integrated frameworks, etc. Rewards for customs clearance: Students who have clocked in for 7 consecutive days will receive Alibaba Cloud code T-shirt.

2) : Cloud development practice (8.12-8.19): station building innovation project practice

In the cloud development practice phase, the students independently complete the web development and submit innovative works based on the cloud development platform. Dashen will teach you serverless web development skills and truly master this new skill through practice. Reward for customs clearance: 50 yuan of resource voucher will be awarded when the project is completed.

3) Cloud development campus partner C debut (8.19-8.26): project display

In combination with your own web application, write an article introducing the background, thinking and process of application development and publish it in the Alibaba Cloud developer community. Rank the project based on its reading, voting and judges' scores. Customs clearance award: the top 50 students obtain the honor and certificate of the cloud development campus partner, and the top 10 students obtain the internship direct interview qualification

 Alibaba Cloud development campus partner recruitment: Alibaba Cloud code T-shirt, 10 Alibaba interns direct interview quota are waiting for you to PICK!

4) One minute clock in and sign up for Youku VIP membership card

Activity rules: From July 22 to July 31, you can receive limited gifts after completing the following three tasks! A limited amount of 100 gifts will be distributed at 3:00 p.m. every day. If the collection has been completed on the same day, you can collect it on the next day (each user can collect it at most once). Please wait for 1~2 minutes after clocking in and refresh the page to check the progress. After completing all tasks, the display of "prize claimed" indicates that you have successfully received the prize. The task of logging in to the cloud development platform needs to create a team and agree to the cloud development platform agreement. For the first time, click Reference Tutorial.

 Alibaba Cloud development campus partner recruitment: Alibaba Cloud code T-shirt, 10 Alibaba interns direct interview quota are waiting for you to PICK!

The hottest camp this summer is waiting for you

 Alibaba Cloud development campus partner recruitment: Alibaba Cloud code T-shirt, 10 Alibaba interns direct interview quota are waiting for you to PICK!

Original article by Mo Tao, if reproduced, please indicate the source:

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 Head of Mo Tao Mo Tao
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