AliCloud gives free 3 months of servers+1 year of domain names to free servers for AliCloud servers

Article Introduction

 AliCloud gives free 3 months of servers+1 year of domain names to free servers for AliCloud servers

Introduction to AliCloud Free ECS+1 Year Domain Name Activity

Recently, Alipay applet finally opened its application to developers. By the way, Alibaba gives you a wave of free ECS discounts!
This activity needs to release a small program to receive support! In the next article, we will study how to get a hello word first!

How to apply for AliCloud servers for free

AliCloud free server application activity address page

End time of AliCloud free server application activity

January 4, 2019 March 31, 2019

AliCloud free server application support objects

The newly created Alipay applet during the activity can enjoy support regardless of the number of users of the applet;
The same qualified user can enjoy at most one applet support.

AliCloud free server application support content

Personal account: get 469 yuan of cloud resources for free

1. Cloud application service:
1) Test environment: 1 vCPU, 2 GiB ECS, 1 free month, worth 85 yuan
2) Production environment: after the test environment is successfully built, the system will automatically send a coupon worth 384 yuan
(Including: one 2vCPU 4GiB ECS, free for 2 months; one new domain name, free for 1 year)
2. Basement: currently in public beta, you can use it for free as long as you create Alipay applet

Enterprise account: Get 1166 yuan of cloud resources for free

1. Cloud application service:
1) Test environment: 1 vCPU, 2 GiB ECS, 2 months free, worth 170 yuan
2) Production environment: after the test environment is successfully built, the system will automatically send a coupon worth 996 yuan
(Including: one 2vCPU 4GiB ECS, free for 6 months; one new domain name, free for 1 year)
2. Basement: currently in public beta, you can use it for free as long as you create Alipay applet

Original article by Mo Tao, if reproduced, please indicate the source:

fabulous (0)
 Head of Mo Tao Mo Tao
Previous 12:49 p.m., March 20, 2019
Next March 23, 2019

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