Emlog blog body CSS implements the first line indentation method, which is common to all web pages in theory

According to our Chinese habit of writing articles, the first line needs to be indented two words. It's troublesome for bloggers to type space each time they write articles, so many people would like to add this space to the template. Mo Xiaonai said how to indent the first line of a blog post with two words.

Method: add: text indent: 2em;

Implementation: approve the element, find the style of the blog body, such as id="zoom" in this template,

- - Find # zoom in main.css

 #zoom {text-indent:2em;}

After adding the code, save it and upload it again.

Original article by Mo Tao, if reproduced, please indicate the source: https://imotao.com/211.html

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 Head of Mo Tao Mo Tao
Previous January 24, 2019
Next January 24, 2019

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