What is DIA? Introduction to China Unicom's private Internet access DIA

DIA is an English abbreviation. The full English name is Dedicated Internet Access. The Chinese name corresponds to the Internet special line.

Internet leased line products are data products that use DDN, ATM, FR, SDH and other leased lines to provide customers with real-time online Internet access services at multiple speeds.

In the circle of ECS vps, the Internet private line (DIA) generally refers to the international private line of Unicom.

 What is DIA? Introduction to China Unicom's private Internet access DIA

1: DIA Unicom leased line Internet access

China Unicom's dedicated Internet access service designed specifically for enterprise Internet communication needs provides a reliable way to access users' networks with dedicated leased bandwidth, high-speed links, and can run a variety of Internet and networking applications such as e-mail, e-commerce, web browsing, network hosting, file transmission, etc.

China Unicom's DIA has established direct links with major Internet service providers in many countries, making Internet access faster and minimizing delays.

2: Network capability of DIA Unicom

Unicom has more than 270T of global backbone network bandwidth.

Unicom has a direct connection bandwidth of more than 2200G

Unicom has 100 Pops in the world

3: How does China Unicom International DIA connect with the mainland

The AS number of China Unicom's domestic backbone network is AS4837, and the AS number of China Unicom's international backbone network is AS10099

3.1 AS10099

AS10099 is owned by Unicom International (outside the wall). Through AS10099, it can connect to the global backbone network and rich networks.

3.2 AS4837

AS4837 is owned by China Unicom (inside the wall) and is directly connected to 196 cities nationwide.

3.3 How to connect AS10099 and AS4837

The AS10099 and AS4837 are usually directly connected. In the cross-border segment, the AS10099 of Unicom International is followed by the AS4837 of China Unicom. There is more than 1.5T bandwidth between AS10099 and AS4837, and the bandwidth is sufficient.

Original article by Mo Tao, if reproduced, please indicate the source: https://imotao.com/1624.html

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