Online role migration function of King Glory mobile game Android users can transfer to Apple

Online role migration function of King Glory mobile game Android users can transfer to Apple

I believe many friends can see the online role transfer function of Glory of the King recently

As we all know, the account data of several popular mobile games of Tencent in Android and Apple are not available,

This function is online. It is estimated that many netizens will transfer the zone, but according to my understanding, Only Android area can be transferred to Apple IOS area temporarily

Of course, this operation will not serve you for free, This service costs 199 honor coins, or 19.9 yuan!

 Online role migration function of King Glory mobile game Android users can transfer to Apple

Some qualified users can find the option of game character migration in the toolbar of "King Camp"

However, the experience of this function has not been started yet, and it may be in the process of debugging. It is expected that it may be launched in the near future!

 Ace Glory Mobile Tourism_line role migration function_android user transferable Apple zone

It is understood that the area transfer function is limited to 5000 places per day.

According to the introduction, you don't need to worry about the heroes, skins, inscriptions and other contents of the characters, just select the game characters to be migrated

Then choose to migrate to the destination, which will be completed soon. During migration, the game character is within the time that can be migrated

The migrated roles should meet the migration requirements. There are no game roles under the migrated district servers, and some data cannot be migrated. The game characters here are actually game accounts.

Original article by Mo Tao, if reproduced, please indicate the source:

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