Through the Design Your Day Rate project,
Transform your web design business.

Learn to launch high-value daily rate discounts,
Unlocking the potential of a fast and profitable project like the one-day website.
Earn $4200 a day,
The monthly income is 30000 to 50000 dollars,
At the same time,
You can still find your time.

The Design Your Day Rate method allows you to simplify your design process,
Complete work that used to take weeks in 7 hours.

Design a brand within 20 minutes,
Create a compelling home page within 60 seconds,
This course will completely change the way you work.

Transform your web design business with the Design Your Day Rate program.
Learn to launch high-ticket day rate offers and unlock the potential for quick, lucrative projects like Website in a Day. Imagine earning $4200 per day, making $30-$50k months, all while reclaiming your time.
The Design Your Day Rate method empowers you to streamline your design process, delivering in 7 hours what used to take weeks.
From designing a brand in 20 minutes to creating a compelling home page in 60 seconds, this course revolutionizes how you work.

  • Tutorial number: 1948276382
  • Tutorial language: English/subtitle free
  • Security scanning: no virus, no plug-in/cloud killing Virustotal Virscan
  • Training institution: unknown/ IMJMJ
  • File size: 3.04GB
  • File format: video/document/text
  • Compression software: 7ZIP
  • Video playback: Perfect decoding
 │  └─Design Your Day Rate │      │  Welcome.mp4 │      │  Welcome.png ││ Click to enter the foreign trade cross-border sailing training tutorial website - CHUHAI5.COM. html ││ Click to access the latest overseas English course sharing network - IMJMJ COM .html │      │   │      ├─01-Day Mapping │      │      01-create_your_day_rebranded.pdf │      │      01-Creating Your Day.mp4 │      │      01-Creating Your Day.png │      │      02-a_Day_Timeline_Template.csv │      │      02-Notion Timeline Template.rtf │      │      02-The Timeline.mp4 │      │      02-The Timeline.png │      │      03-The Investment.mp4 │      │      03-The Investment.png │      │      04-Dream Client.mp4 │      │      04-niches_for_dydr_rebranded.pdf ││ Click to enter the foreign trade cross-border sailing training tutorial website - CHUHAI5.COM. html ││ Click to access the latest overseas English course sharing network - IMJMJ COM .html │      │       │      ├─02-Preboarding │      │      01-Sales Page.mp4 │      │      01-Sales Page.png │      │      01-Sales Page.rtf │      │      02-Client Application.mp4 │      │      02-Client Application.png │      │      02-Client Application.rtf │      │      02-Website Application Questions for Design Your Day Rate.docx │      │      03-Acceptance Scripts.docx │      │      03-Acceptance Scripts.mp4 │      │      03-Acceptance Scripts.png ││ Click to enter the foreign trade cross-border sailing training tutorial website - CHUHAI5.COM. html ││ Click to access the latest overseas English course sharing network - IMJMJ COM .html │      │       │      ├─03-Onboarding │││ Click to enter the foreign trade cross-border sailing training tutorial website - CHUHAI5.COM. html │││ Click to access the latest overseas English course sharing network - IMJMJ COM .html │      │  │   │      │  ├─01-Booking The Client │      │  │      01-1-ThriveCart Pt. 1.mp4 │      │  │      01-2-ThriveCart Pt. 2.mp4 │      │  │      01-Thrivecart.png │      │  │      01-Thrivecart.rtf │      │  │      02-1-Stripe Pt. 1.mp4 │      │  │      02-2-Stripe Pt. 2.mp4 │      │  │      02-Stripe.png │      │  │      02-Stripe.rtf │││ Click to enter the foreign trade cross-border sailing training tutorial website - CHUHAI5.COM. html │││ Click to access the latest overseas English course sharing network - IMJMJ COM .html │      │  │       │      │  └─02-The Welcome Workflow │      │          01-Thank You Page.mp4 │      │          01-Thank You Page.png │      │          01-Thank You Page.rtf │      │          02-Client Deliverables.mp4 │      │          02-Client Deliverables.png │      │          02-Deliverables Template for Design Your Day Rate.docx │      │          03-Brand Strategy Questionnaire.mp4 │      │          03-Brand Strategy Questionnaire.png │      │          03-Brand Strategy Questionnaire.rtf │      │          04-The Final Checklist.mp4 │      │          04-The Final Checklist.png │      │          04-The Final Checklist.rtf │      │          05-Scheduling Your Client.mp4 │      │          05-Scheduling Your Client.png │      │          05-Scheduling Your Client.rtf │      │          06-Putting It All Together.mp4 │      │          06-Putting It All Together.png ││ Click to enter the foreign trade cross-border sailing training tutorial website - CHUHAI5.COM. html ││ Click to access the latest overseas English course sharing network - IMJMJ COM .html │      │           │      ├─04-Your VIP Day │      │      01-kick-off_call_for_dydr_rebranded.pdf │      │      01-The Kick-Off Call.mp4 │      │      01-The Kick-Off Call.png │      │      02-Creating The Brand.mp4 │      │      02-Creating The Brand.png │      │      02-Creating The Brand.rtf │      │      03-Designing with Templates.mp4 │      │      03-Designing with Templates.png │      │      04-Designing with The Library.mp4 │      │      04-Designing with The Library.png ││ Click to enter the foreign trade cross-border sailing training tutorial website - CHUHAI5.COM. html ││ Click to access the latest overseas English course sharing network - IMJMJ COM .html │      │       │      └─05-Offboarding │              01-1.png │              01-2.png │              01-The Process.png │              02-Site Check.mp4 │              02-Site Check.png │              02-website_checklist_for_dydr_rebranded.pdf │              03-Migrate to Client.mp4 │              03-Migrate to Client.png │              04-End of Day Email.mp4 │              04-End of Day Email.png │              04-End of Day Email.rtf

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