The Art of Influence is an online course that teaches proven ways to grow and make money, making you a full-time (or part-time) influencer/content creator.
It is a blueprint for you to control your life and realize the career of creator through Instagram. Through the power of Instagram, you can build a profitable audience, create interesting content, and cooperate with brands.
This is a guiding coaching program designed to help you build your personal brand, create influential content, establish a loyal fan group, and earn full-time (or part-time) income from social media.

Art of Influence is an online course that teaches proven growth and monetization methods that’ll turn you into a full-time (or part-time) influencer / content creator.
Consider it your blueprint for taking control of your life and launching an Instagram creator career by growing a profitable audience, creating engaging content and working with brands through the power of Instagram.
A guided coaching program designed to help you build your personal brand, create powerful content, build an audience of engaged followers and create a full-time (or part-time) income from social media.

  • Tutorial number: 1798122888
  • Tutorial language: English/subtitle free
  • Security scanning: no virus, no plug-in/cloud killing Virustotal Virscan
  • Training institution: unknown/ IMJMJ
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  • File format: video/document/text
  • Compression software: 7ZIP
  • Video playback: Perfect decoding
 ├─01-Module 1 - It's About Mindset │      01-Mindset Shifts for Success.mkv │      02-Building Confidence & Dealing with Negativity.mkv   ├─02-Module 2 - Developing your Personal Brand │      01-Module 2 Introduction.mkv │      02-Notes.pdf │      02-Optimising your Account.mkv │      03-The Importance of Niches.mp4 │      04-Finding your Personal Branding.docx │      04-Finding your Personal Branding.mp4   ├─03-Module 3 - Photography & Videography │      01-Module 3 Introduction.mkv │      02-Camera Equipment.mkv │      03-Lens Equipment.mp4 │      04-Photo & Video Editing Tools.mp4 │      04-Photo & Video Editing Tools.pdf │      05-Composition.ts │      06-Lighting.ts │      07-Adobe Lightroom Essentials.ts │      08-Applying Presets.ts │      08-Complete Collection - Angela   ├─04-Module 4 - Content Creation │      01-Module 4 Intro.mkv │      02-Content Themes.mkv │      03-Creating Powerful Content.mp4 │      04-Creating a Cohesive Feed.mp4 │      05-Batching Your Content.ts │      05-Instagram content planner AOI.numbers │      05-Instagram content planner AOI.pdf │      05-Instagram content planner AOI.xlsx │      06-Writing Great Captions.ts │      07-IG Story │      07-Mastering Instagram Stories.ts   ├─05-Module 5 - Growth Strategies │      01-Module 5 Intro.mkv │      02-Decoding the Algorithm.mkv │      03-Strategies for Organic Growth.mp4 │      03-Update.pdf │      04-100 Hook Ideas.pdf │      04-2022 Update.pdf │      04-50 Reel Ideas.pdf │      04-Creating Viral Reels.mp4 │      04-Reel Story   ├─06-Module 6 - Start Earning Money │      01-Module 6 Intro.mkv │      02-Notes.pdf │      02-Red Flags for Brand Collaborations.mkv │      03-AOI Media Kit.pptx │      03-Create the Perfect Media Kit.mp4 │      04-Types of Collaborations.ts │      05-How Much to Charge.ts │      06-Gifting Collaborations + Template.pdf │      06-Gifting Collaborations.ts │      07-Negotiating Collaborations Templates.pdf │      07-Negotiating Collaborations.ts │      08-How to find Brand Contacts.ts │      09-How to Pitch Yourself.ts │      09-Pitching Templates.docx │      10-Collaborating with Hotels.ts │      11-Connecting with PR Agencies.ts │      12-Affiliate Marketing.ts │      13-Bonus - Influencer Marketing Platforms.pdf   └─07-Module 7 - Ensuring Success 01-Module 7 Intro.ts 02-Contract Terms.pdf 02-How to Read Contracts.mkv 03-Influencer Management.mp4 04-AOI Invoice Option 2.pptx 04-AOI Invoice.pptx 04-Collaboration Tracker.numbers 04-Collaboration Tracker.xlsx 04-Ensuring a Successful Partnership.mp4 05-Congratulations!. ts

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