This comprehensive plan,
It includes 20 classes,
Blended with new text,
Video presentations and real examples,
To teach you the timeless basics of persuasive and sales letter writing.
You will get expert feedback on your homework,
Create a sales letter worthy of being included in the collection,
And consolidate your study through quizzes.

You will master the creation of buyer characters,
Look for big ideas,
And create an effective art of unique selling points.

You will learn the framework of persuasion,
Emotional extrication belief,
And master the skills of self-criticism.

Based on practical and powerful editing skills and methods to create a sense of urgency,
This plan will enable you to write compelling text.

It's easy to speed up your copywriting journey,
And through this seven figure copywriting acceleration plan,
Successfully achieved a seven digit success.

This comprehensive program, spanning 20 lessons, blends new text, video presentations, and real-life examples to teach you the timeless fundamentals of persuasion and sales letter writing.
Receive expert feedback on assignments, create a portfolio-worthy sales letter, and reinforce your learning with quizzes.
Discover the art of creating buyer personas, finding Big Ideas, and crafting effective Unique Selling Propositions.
Learn the architecture of persuasion, emotional relief beliefs, and master self-critique techniques.
With practical tips on power-editing and creating urgency, this program equips you to produce compelling copy.
Accelerate your copywriting journey effortlessly and achieve seven-figure success with the Accelerated Program for Seven-Figure Copywriting.

  • Tutorial No.: 0947276623
  • Tutorial language: English/subtitle free
  • Security scanning: no virus, no plug-in/cloud killing Virustotal Virscan
  • Training institution: unknown/ IMJMJ
  • File size: 262MB
  • File format: video/document/text
  • Compression software: 7ZIP
  • Video playback: Perfect decoding
 │  └─Accelerated Program for Seven-Figure Copywriting ││ Click to enter the foreign trade cross-border sailing training tutorial website - CHUHAI5.COM. html ││ Click to access the latest overseas English course sharing network - IMJMJ COM .html │      │   │      ├─01-Accelerated Copywriting │││ Click to enter the foreign trade cross-border sailing training tutorial website - CHUHAI5.COM. html │││ Click to access the latest overseas English course sharing network - IMJMJ COM .html │      │  │   │      │  ├─01-Welcome │      │  │      01-info_Digital_Document_Guide.pdf │      │  │      01-prog_Copywriting_90_Day_Plan.pdf │      │  │      01-prog_Copywriting_Glossary.pdf │      │  │      01PROG~1.pdf │││ Click to enter the foreign trade cross-border sailing training tutorial website - CHUHAI5.COM. html │││ Click to access the latest overseas English course sharing network - IMJMJ COM .html │      │  │       │      │  └─02-Part │      │          01-Copywriting - Part 01.mp4 │      │          01-prog_Copywriting_01.pdf │      │          02-prog_Copywriting_02.pdf │      │          03-prog_Copywriting_03.pdf │      │          04-prog_Copywriting_04.pdf │      │          05-prog_Copywriting_05.pdf ││ Click to enter the foreign trade cross-border sailing training tutorial website - CHUHAI5.COM. html ││ Click to access the latest overseas English course sharing network - IMJMJ COM .html │      │           │      ├─02-Architecture of Persuasion │││ Click to enter the foreign trade cross-border sailing training tutorial website - CHUHAI5.COM. html │││ Click to access the latest overseas English course sharing network - IMJMJ COM .html │      │  │   │      │  ├─01-Architecture of Persuasion │      │  │      01--TH~1.pdf │      │  │      01-BOO~1.pdf │││ Click to enter the foreign trade cross-border sailing training tutorial website - CHUHAI5.COM. html │││ Click to access the latest overseas English course sharing network - IMJMJ COM .html │      │  │       │      │  ├─02-Bonus Reports │      │  │      01-REP~1.pdf │      │  │      02-REP~1.pdf │      │  │      02-REP~2.pdf │      │  │      03-rep_Niche_Marketing.pdf │      │  │      04-rep_Big_Idea.pdf │      │  │      05-REP~1.pdf │││ Click to enter the foreign trade cross-border sailing training tutorial website - CHUHAI5.COM. html │││ Click to access the latest overseas English course sharing network - IMJMJ COM .html │      │  │       │      │  └─03-Audio Bonus │      │          01-The Architecture of Persuasion -- Books -- myAWAI -- AWAI.mp3 ││ Click to enter the foreign trade cross-border sailing training tutorial website - CHUHAI5.COM. html ││ Click to access the latest overseas English course sharing network - IMJMJ COM .html │      │           │      ├─03-Barefoot Writer │      │      01- - Barefoot Writer .pdf │      │      01-ltr_Barefoot_Writer_099.pdf │      │      01-TBW Welcome VIdeo from AWAI Videos on Vimeo.mp4 ││ Click to enter the foreign trade cross-border sailing training tutorial website - CHUHAI5.COM. html ││ Click to access the latest overseas English course sharing network - IMJMJ COM .html │      │       │      ├─04-Getting Your First Client │      │      01- Getting Your First Client .pdf │      │      01-Getting Your First Client -- myAWAI -- AWAI.mp3 │      │      01-prog_Getting_Your_First_Client.pdf │      │      01-prog_mmb_Story_Guillermo_Slides.pdf │      │      01-rep_Cathy_Cairns-OKeefe_Story.pdf ││ Click to enter the foreign trade cross-border sailing training tutorial website - CHUHAI5.COM. html ││ Click to access the latest overseas English course sharing network - IMJMJ COM .html │      │       │      ├─05-Resume Writing │││ Click to enter the foreign trade cross-border sailing training tutorial website - CHUHAI5.COM. html │││ Click to access the latest overseas English course sharing network - IMJMJ COM .html │      │  │   │      │  ├─01-The Pro Resume Writer Program │      │  │      01-PRO~1.pdf │      │  │      02-PRO~1.pdf │      │  │      03-PRO~1.pdf │      │  │      03-RES~1.pdf │      │  │      04-PRO~1.pdf │││ Click to enter the foreign trade cross-border sailing training tutorial website - CHUHAI5.COM. html │││ Click to access the latest overseas English course sharing network - IMJMJ COM .html │      │  │       │      │  ├─02-Book 1 │      │  │      01-prog_Resume_90_Day_Plan.pdf │      │  │      01-prog_Resume_Book_01.pdf │      │  │      01-prog_Resume_Book_01_Appendix_A.pdf │      │  │      01-prog_Resume_Book_01_Resource_List.pdf │││ Click to enter the foreign trade cross-border sailing training tutorial website - CHUHAI5.COM. html │││ Click to access the latest overseas English course sharing network - IMJMJ COM .html │      │  │       │      │  ├─03-Book 2 │      │  │      01-prog_Resume_Book_02.pdf │      │  │      01-prog_Resume_Book_02_Action_Plan.pdf │      │  │      01-prog_Resume_Book_02_Resource_List.pdf │││ Click to enter the foreign trade cross-border sailing training tutorial website - CHUHAI5.COM. html │││ Click to access the latest overseas English course sharing network - IMJMJ COM .html │      │  │       │      │  └─04-Book 3 │      │          01-prog_Resume_Book_03.pdf │      │          02-prog_Resume_Book_03_Action_Plan.pdf │      │          03-prog_Resume_Book_03_Resource_List.pdf ││ Click to enter the foreign trade cross-border sailing training tutorial website - CHUHAI5.COM. html ││ Click to access the latest overseas English course sharing network - IMJMJ COM .html │      │           │      ├─06-Smart Start Writing │      │      01-pres_bc12_1025_Top_10_Secrets.pdf │      │      01-prog_Smart_Start_Copywriting.pdf │      │      01-Smart Start For a Successful Writing Career -- myAWAI -- AWAI.mp3 │      │      02-pres_ww6_Nick_Usborne.pdf │      │      02-Smart Start For a Successful Writing Career -- myAWAI -- AWAI.mp3 │      │      03-rep_30_Top_Performing_Copywriting_Samples.pdf │      │      04-rep_7_Habits_Successful_Copywriter.pdf │      │      05-rep_77_Profitable_Niches.pdf │      │      06-pres_bc13_1024_Get_the_Projects_You_Want.pdf │      │      06-Smart Start For a Successful Writing Career -- myAWAI -- AWAI.mp3 │      │      07-pres_bc13_1026_Headline_Idea_Starters.pdf │      │      07-Smart Start For a Successful Writing Career -- myAWAI -- AWAI.mp3 │      │      08-book_Architecture_of_Persuasion.pdf │      │      09-rep_AWAI_Copywriting_Pricing_Guide.pdf ││ Click to enter the foreign trade cross-border sailing training tutorial website - CHUHAI5.COM. html ││ Click to access the latest overseas English course sharing network - IMJMJ COM .html │      │       │      └─07-The AWAI Method │              01-prog_met_01_Slides.pdf │              01-prog_met_01_Transcript.pdf │              01-SMA~1.pdf │              01-The AWAI Method -- myAWAI -- AWAI.mp3 │              02-prog_met_02_Slides.pdf │              02-prog_met_02_Transcript.pdf │              02-The AWAI Method -- myAWAI -- AWAI.mp3 │              03-prog_met_03_Slides.pdf │              03-prog_met_03_Transcript.pdf │              03-The AWAI Method -- myAWAI -- AWAI.mp3 │              04-prog_met_04_Slides.pdf │              04-prog_met_04_Transcript.pdf │              04-The AWAI Method -- myAWAI -- AWAI.mp3 │              05-prog_met_05_Slides.pdf │              05-prog_met_05_Transcript.pdf │              05-The AWAI Method -- myAWAI -- AWAI.mp3 │              06-prog_met_06_Slides.pdf │              06-prog_met_06_Transcript.pdf │              06-The AWAI Method -- myAWAI -- AWAI.mp3 │              07-prog_met_07_Slides.pdf │              07-The AWAI Method -- myAWAI -- AWAI.mp3 │              08-prog_met_07_Transcript.pdf │              08-prog_met_08_Slides.pdf │              08-prog_met_08_Transcript.pdf │              08-The AWAI Method -- myAWAI -- AWAI.mp3 │              09-prog_met_09_Slides.pdf │              09-prog_met_09_Transcript.pdf │              09-The AWAI Method -- myAWAI -- AWAI.mp3

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