An innovative course,
It aims to simplify the process of opening a highly successful website template store.

This immersive experience is presented by six video guided modules,
It shows a step-by-step guide for creating and selling Showit website templates,
Promise to provide you with unlimited passive income opportunities.

Explore how to use pre designed templates to set up a compelling store,
And find the art of making a set of website templates in the crowded market.

The Passive Passion program provides you with the necessary skills,
From selecting niche markets to template design, marketing and sales funnel,
Make sure no questions are ignored.

An innovative course designed to simplify the process of launching a highly successful website template shop.
This immersive experience, presented through six video-led modules, unfolds a step-by-step guide on creating and selling Showit website templates, promising a gateway to unlimited opportunities for passive income.
Dive into the intricacies of setting up a standout shop with pre-designed templates, and discover the art of crafting a suite of website templates that stand out in a crowded market.
The Passive Passion Project equips you with essential skills, from niche selection to template design, marketing, and sales funnels, ensuring that no questions are left unanswered.

  • Tutorial No.: 0929378565
  • Tutorial language: English/subtitle free
  • Security scanning: no virus, no plug-in/cloud killing Virustotal Virscan
  • Training institution: unknown/ IMJMJ
  • File size: 5.11GB
  • File format: video/document/text
  • Compression software: 7ZIP
  • Video playback: Perfect decoding
 │  └─Passive Passion Project │      │  Welcome.mp4 │      │  Welcome.png ││ Click to enter the foreign trade cross-border sailing training tutorial website - CHUHAI5.COM. html ││ Click to access the latest overseas English course sharing network - IMJMJ COM .html │      │   │      ├─01-Strategy and Foundation │      │      01-niche_tiers_by_saturation_levels_rebranded.pdf │      │      01-Niching and Pricing.mp4 │      │      01-Niching and Pricing.png │      │      01-price_guide_calculator_rebranded.pdf │      │      02-Research & Reflect.docx │      │      02-Research and Reflect.mp4 │      │      02-Research and Reflect.png │      │      03-Game_Plan_Template_for_PPP.csv │      │      03-Homework- Create your Game Plan.mp4 │      │      03-Homework- Create your Game Plan.png │      │      03-Homework- Create your Game Plan.rtf ││ Click to enter the foreign trade cross-border sailing training tutorial website - CHUHAI5.COM. html ││ Click to access the latest overseas English course sharing network - IMJMJ COM .html │      │       │      ├─02-Creation Mode │      │      01-1-Template Outline Pt.1  Creation Mode.mp4 │      │      01-2-Template Outline Pt.2  Creation Mode.mp4 │      │      01-Outline Creation.png │      │      01-Template Creation Outline Template.docx │      │      02-free_website_template_fonts_rebranded.pdf │      │      02-Template Branding.mp4 │      │      02-Template Branding.png │      │      02-Template Branding.rtf │      │      02-Template_Branding_.csv │      │      03-1-Creating Your Template Pt.1  Creation Mode.mp4 │      │      03-2-Create Your Template Pt.2.mp4 │      │      03-3-Create Your Template Pt.3  Creation Mode.mp4 │      │      03-4-Create Your Template Pt.4  Creation Mode.mp4 │      │      03-Create Showit Templates.png │      │      04-1-Polishing The Craft  Creation Mode.mp4 │      │      04-2-Polishing The Craft pt.2  Creation Mode.mp4 │      │      04-Polishing The Craft.png │      │      04-website_template_link_checklist_rebranded.pdf │      │      05-Homework- Wealthy Waitlist.mp4 │      │      05-Homework- Wealthy Waitlist.png │      │      05-Homework- Wealthy Waitlist.rtf │      │      05-Waitlist Nurture Email.docx ││ Click to enter the foreign trade cross-border sailing training tutorial website - CHUHAI5.COM. html ││ Click to access the latest overseas English course sharing network - IMJMJ COM .html │      │       │      ├─03-Setting Up Shop │      │      01-Building on Showit.mp4 │      │      01-Building on Showit.png │      │      02-Creating Your Assets.mp4 │      │      02-Creating Your Assets.png │      │      02-Creating Your Assets.rtf │      │      03-Setting Up Rich Pins.mp4 │      │      03-Setting Up Rich Pins.png │      │      04-Integrating with Shopify.mp4 │      │      04-Integrating with Shopify.png │      │      05-Integrating with Thrivecart.mp4 │      │      05-Integrating with Thrivecart.png │      │      05-Integrating with Thrivecart.rtf ││ Click to enter the foreign trade cross-border sailing training tutorial website - CHUHAI5.COM. html ││ Click to access the latest overseas English course sharing network - IMJMJ COM .html │      │       │      ├─04-Systems and Structure │      │      01-Post-Purchase Page.mp4 │      │      01-Post-Purchase Page.png │      │      02-Digital Download (Shopify Only).mp4 │      │      02-Digital Download (Shopify Only).png │      │      02-Digital Download (Shopify Only).rtf │      │      03-Discount Code Delivery.docx │      │      03-post-purchase_email_workflows_rebranded.pdf │      │      03-The Customer Experience.mp4 │      │      03-The Customer Experience.png │      │      04-Homework- Film Training Videos.mp4 │      │      04-Homework- Film Training Videos.png │      │      04-Homework- Film Training Videos.rtf ││ Click to enter the foreign trade cross-border sailing training tutorial website - CHUHAI5.COM. html ││ Click to access the latest overseas English course sharing network - IMJMJ COM .html │      │       │      ├─05-Marketing and Magic │      │      01-Selling on Socials.mp4 │      │      01-Selling on Socials.png │      │      02-Cash Injection Promos.mp4 │      │      02-Cash Injection Promos.png │      │      02-Discount Code Delivery.docx │      │      02-Flashsale Email Template.docx │      │      03-Affiliate Programs.mp4 │      │      03-Affiliate Programs.png │      │      03-Affiliate Programs.rtf ││ Click to enter the foreign trade cross-border sailing training tutorial website - CHUHAI5.COM. html ││ Click to access the latest overseas English course sharing network - IMJMJ COM .html │      │       │      └─06-Ready to Launch │              01-Personal Site Audit Checklist.png │              01.png │              02-Post-Purchase Audit Checklist.png │              02-Post-Purchase Audit Checklist.rtf │              02.png │              03-1-Just Launched Email.docx │              03-2-Launch Email 02.docx │              03-3-Launch Email 03.docx │              03-Launch Email Templates.mp4 │              03-Launch Email Templates.png │              04-LAUNCH.mp4 │              04-LAUNCH.png │              04-Launch_Calendar_Example.csv

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