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 ├─01-INTRO │      1.  Background and Vision.mkv │      2.  Resource Checklist.mkv │      3.  Copy Ideas Library.mkv   ├─02- 1.  CONCEPTS The Right Foundation for Predictable Revenue │      1.  The Five Prospecting Commandments.mkv │      2.  How to Get Maximum Leverage Through Delegation.mkv │      3.  Flashlight vs. Laser Pointer.mkv │      4.  LinkedIn Sales Navigator Workshop.mkv │      5.  Action Items.mkv   ├─03- 2.  COPY How to De-Risk Business Conversations │      2.  The One Simple Task.mkv │      3.  Six Guidelines for Effective Outreach Copy.mkv │      4.  Action Items - Craft Your Outreach Template.mkv  How to Use Context to Your Advantage.mkv   ├─04- 3.  SYSTEMS Build Your Agency's Lead Generation Machine │      1.  How Inbound and Outbound Interact.mkv │      1.  The Lead Generation Universe - Tools and Automation.mkv │      3.  Building Your Outbound Engine - How to Enrich Data and Launch Your Campaigns.mkv │      4.  Outreach Cadence Samples.mkv │      5.  The Longterm Growth Path.mkv │      6.  Action Items + QA.mkv   ├─05- 4.  OPTIMIZATION A Case Study in Closed Business │      1.  Case Study Intro - Metrics and Benchmarks.mkv │      2.  Campaign Diagnosis - Making Sense of Replies.mkv │      3.  The Hit Campaign Dynamic Meetings and Closed Business.mkv │      4.  Action Items.mkv   ├─06- 4.1.  Relationship-Driven New Business At-Scale. (Bonus Section) │      1.  Intro to Relationship-Driven Prospecting.mkv │      2.  Using the Historic Client Commonality.mkv │      3.  Alumni Connections, Geographies, and Lego Blocks.mkv │      4.  Indirect Connectors and The Hopscotch Approach.mkv   ├─07- 5.  THOUGHT LEADERSHIP How to Plug Into the Right Audiences │      1.  The Power of Existing Audiences.mkv │      2.  How to Use Targeted Outreach to Secure Dozens of Placements.mkv │      3.  Thought Leadership Q and A.mkv   └─08- BONUS Materials Webinar How to Sell Agency Services in Uncertain Times.mkv

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