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Scoring Rules of IELTS Speaking Test

[liuxue86.com - IELTS Speaking]

If you want to study abroad, you need to have the language conditions first. At this time, we need to take the IELTS TOEFL exam. The following editor brings you the "IELTS Speaking Test Scoring Rules". Welcome to read.

Scoring Rules of IELTS Speaking Test

   1. Overall score

The overall score of the IELTS Speaking Test is based on a grading system of 0-9 points, in which 0 indicates failure and 9 indicates excellence.

   2. Scoring criteria

(1) Fluency: Fluency refers to the examinee's oral expression ability, including pronunciation, intonation, speed, etc.

(2) Accuracy: Accuracy refers to the examinee's language expression ability, including vocabulary, grammar, sentence structure, etc.

(3) Language use: language use refers to the examinee's language flexibility in oral expression, including expression ability, oral expression ability, etc.

(4) Thematic expression: Thematic expression refers to the examinee's thematic thinking in oral expression, including clear thinking, adequate expression, etc.

   3. Scoring details

(1) Fluency

0-3 points: unclear pronunciation, unnatural intonation, slow or fast speaking, incorrect sentence structure, and many grammatical errors.

4-6 points: the pronunciation is not clear enough, the intonation is not natural enough, the speaking speed is not stable enough, the sentence structure is not correct enough, and there are many grammatical errors.

7-9 points: clear pronunciation, natural intonation, stable speaking speed, correct sentence structure, few grammatical errors.

(2) Accuracy

0-3 points: small vocabulary, many grammatical errors, incorrect sentence structure, and inaccurate expression.

4-6 points: average vocabulary, many grammatical errors, incorrect sentence structure and inaccurate expression.

7-9 points: rich vocabulary, few grammatical errors, correct sentence structure and accurate expression.

(3) Language use

0-3 points: poor expression ability, insufficient oral expression ability, and lack of language flexibility.

4-6 points: average expression ability, insufficient oral expression ability and lack of language flexibility.

7-9 points: strong expression ability, strong oral expression ability, and strong language flexibility.

(4) Thematic expression

0-3 points: unclear ideas, inadequate expression, lack of theme ideas.

4-6 points: the idea is not clear enough, the expression is not sufficient, and the theme is lacking.

7-9 points: clear thinking, full expression and thematic thinking.

IELTS Scoring Rules

   1. Writing Scoring Rules

(1) Completion of writing tasks: for small or large compositions, check whether candidates complete tasks according to the requirements of the topic.

(2) Coherence and cohesion: Check whether the examinee's article structure is reasonable and whether the sentences are naturally connected.

(3) Vocabulary richness: check the scope and accuracy of vocabulary used by candidates, and whether they can express clear attitudes and meanings.

(4) Grammar diversity and accuracy: check the examinee's grammar ability and whether they can use a variety of grammatical structures and are accurate.

   2. Detailed rules for listening scoring

The listening part is divided into 40 questions, each of which has the same score. If you answer one question correctly, you will get one point. The full score is 40 points. The scores will vary depending on the number of correct answers.

   3. Read the scoring rules

The reading part is divided into three articles, with a total of 40 questions. Each question has the same score. If you answer one question correctly, you will get one point. The full score is 40 points. The scores will vary depending on the number of correct answers.

   4. Rules for Oral Scoring

The oral part is divided into three parts. Each part will have different questions, which will be graded according to the answers. It mainly inspects the examinee's oral fluency, pronunciation, intonation, etc.

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   Recommended reading:

   IELTS Common Sense: Rules for Oral Scoring

   Detailed Rules of IELTS Oral Scoring Standards

   Detailed Rules of IELTS Oral Scoring Standards and Examination Procedures

   IELTS Common Sense: Detailed Rules for Examination Scoring

   Detailed Rules for Score Deduction of IELTS Speaking Test

For more information on IELTS Spoken English, please visit: Spoken IELTS

Source: https://ielts.liuxue86.com/i/5135535.html
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