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What is the IELTS writing scoring standard

[liuxue86.com - IELTS composition]

Do you know what the IELTS writing scoring standard is? If you haven't known about this, let's take a look at some carefully prepared materials about this for you. I hope they can help you after reading them.

IELTS Writing Scoring Criteria

1. Content: Candidates should express their views as clearly as possible, use appropriate vocabulary and structure, and put forward persuasive arguments in the writing test.

2. Expression: Candidates should express their views as fully as possible, use good grammar and sentence patterns, and make the article structured and orderly.

3. Arguments: candidates should ensure that their arguments are based, and each argument should be supported by sufficient evidence and examples, so that readers can agree with their own views.

4. Language: The examinee should ensure that the vocabulary and structure used are accurate, that there are no grammatical errors, and that the sentence structure is correct.

Detailed Rules for Calculation of IELTS Composition Score

1. Content: The content requires the examinee to express his/her own views clearly, support his/her own views, and use effective arguments and examples.

2. Structure: The structure requires that the examinee can clearly express his/her own views, and can effectively organize the article and use an effective paragraph structure.

3. Language: Language requires candidates to be able to use accurate grammar and vocabulary and express their own opinions.

4. Spelling and punctuation: spelling and punctuation require candidates to be able to use accurate spelling and punctuation, as well as correct sentence structure.

5. Number of words: The number of words requires the examinee to be able to complete the composition within the specified number of words, and be able to clearly express his/her views.

IELTS Scoring Rules

1. Content: whether the candidates' answers are clear, accurate and complete, and whether they can express their own opinions.

2. Language: whether the examinee's language expression is accurate and fluent, and whether they can use complex sentence structures and vocabulary.

3. Structure: whether the candidates' answers are well structured and can clearly express their views.

4. Oral expression: whether the examinee's oral expression is fluent and accurate, and whether they can express their own opinions.

Each dimension has a different score, and the final total score is the sum of the scores of all dimensions.

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For more information on IELTS Composition, please visit: IELTS composition

Source: https://ielts.liuxue86.com/i/5133480.html
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