Overseas Study Network


Introduction to the time and cost of IELTS 2021

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2021-03-10 15:22


[liuxue86.com - IELTS]

For students who take the IELTS test for the first time, the first thing they need to know is the time of the IELTS test and the cost of registration. In the following article, www. overseas. com explains the time of the IELTS test in 2021 and the cost of registration. Come and have a look!

   Examination time

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   Examination fee

In other quarters of 2021, the IELTS and the IELTS paper, pencil and computer test arrangements for British visa and immigration will be announced successively during the year.

In addition, from January 1, 2021, the IELTS life skills examination fee will be adjusted from the current 1550 yuan to 1350 yuan, and the transfer fee and withdrawal fee will remain unchanged at 420 yuan.

   Basic contents of IELTS

Listening (academic&training)

Length of listening test: 30 minutes, and 10 minutes to copy the answers to the answer sheet; The listening test consists of 4 monologues and dialogues. Each piece of listening material is played only once, corresponding to 10 questions. The order of the questions is the same as the order in which the answers appear in the listening material.

Reading (academic)

Reading test questions: there are 3 paragraphs and 40 corresponding questions. The number of questions to be answered in each article is different. The content and title of the article appear in the examination paper.

The articles are drawn from real publications (such as books, periodicals and newspapers) for non professionals, which are very similar to the articles that candidates will read in college courses in the future. It also contains non textual content, such as charts, curves, or illustrations. The total length of all articles is about 2000-2750 words.

Writing (Academic)

Type of writing test: There are two compositions in total. The first (Task 1) is written for chart analysis, such as tables, graphs, histograms or schematics. Candidates need to describe these information or data, which should not be less than 150 words;

The second (Task 2) is an argumentative article. The examinee should discuss according to the opinions, questions or issues given by the topic. It should be no less than 250 words. The examiner graded the following four items respectively: task completion (Task 1)/task response (Task 2), coherence and cohesion, vocabulary transformation, sentence diversity and grammatical accuracy. These four aspects have the same weight.

Writing (training)

Type of writing test: There are two compositions in total. In the first chapter, the examinee needs to write a personal letter according to the question or event in the topic, which can be informal, semi formal or formal.

The question includes a description of a problem or event, and three requirements for the task that the examinee needs to complete, which should not be less than 150 words; The second part is argumentative writing. Candidates need to discuss according to the opinions, questions or issues given by the topic. It is required to be no less than 250 words.

   Detailed introduction to IELTS test process

Process of written examination

1. Preparation before examination

The IELTS exam will be officially provided with a pencil, eraser and earphone, so you don't need to bring your own stationery. In addition to carrying their own application documents, students can also bring a bottle of bottled water without labels. After arriving at the corresponding IELTS test site, candidates must take photos and fingerprints with relevant certificates, and then wait outside the test room. The invigilator will carry out security checks on the students in order. After entering the classroom, you can quietly wait for the start of the exam.

2. Listening test

The first part of the written test is listening. At this time, the invigilator will read the relevant exam disciplines aloud, and then conduct the sound test. He will play a recording, and then ask whether it is loud or soft, and whether there is a problem with the headset (if you have one, ask it). After everyone has no problem, they will distribute the answer sheet, and then the invigilator will teach you how to fill in the name, test number, date, etc. After you fill in the form, you will hand out the test paper. Note: Do not open the test paper without authorization before the recording says to open it. Then everyone put on earphones, and after hearing the beginning, open the examination paper to begin the test.

3. Reading test

The second part is reading. After the listening test is collected, the reading test is sent out. Also, the test paper can be opened after hearing the instructions. The answer sheet is the opposite of listening. The reading test lasts 60 minutes. The questions are divided into three parts. Each article has about 1200-1500 words, about 13-14 questions, and a total of 40 questions.

4. Writing test

The last part of the written examination is writing. The invigilator will also teach you how to fill in the answer card. If the article is too long and the paper is not enough, you can ask the examiner. The time is 60 minutes, and the composition is divided into two parts: small composition and large composition. The small composition is generally a picture description (type A) or letter (type G), requiring 150 words and 20 minutes; The composition is argumentative or expository (mainly argumentative), requiring 250 words and 40 minutes.

Process of oral examination

The first part is called daily questions or daily conversation. A dialogue in daily life takes 4-5 minutes in the form of a question and answer between the examiner and you. When the examiner asks you questions, you answer them. There will be some small topics in it. For example, he will talk with you about learning, and then ask you some small questions about learning. Then he will talk with you about shopping, transportation, weather, reading and newspapers and other scenes we will encounter in our daily life abroad.

The second part is called topics cards. The examiner gives each student a card, which we need to describe independently according to the requirements of the card. The time is 3-4 minutes. In this part, each student will have 1-2 minutes to prepare. He will give you a piece of paper and a pen, and you will take notes yourself. Then after 1 minute, You need to make a personal description according to the requirements of the card. The description takes one minute to two minutes. The content involves 300-500 words. You need to say about 20 or 30 sentences. Some students speak fast and need to say 40 or 50 sentences.

The third part is called two way discussion. It means that the examiner and you will carry out more in-depth questions and answers around the second part of the topic card. The time is 4-5 minutes. The whole exam process takes about 15 minutes.

   Recommended reading:

    What are the differences between ordinary IELTS and UKVI IELTS

   How to Improve IELTS Writing Skills

   How to prepare IELTS vocabulary for the test

   How to Prepare for the IELTS Speaking Test Introduction to the IELTS Speaking Test Process

Extended Reading
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