Incomplete Guide to Travel Strategies in Shanghai

stay Suzhou After eating the sweetest squirrel mandarin fish, we rushed to Shanghai without stopping. Of course, when we arrive at night, the first stop must be the Bund. The night view by the big river is not bad. I prefer Chongqing, especially the night view of Chongqing. In contrast, the night view of Shanghai has more transparency. However, in addition to the TV tower, the most representative buildings also include the former concession.

I got up early the next morning in order to get into Disneyland at the first time. Fortunately, I went early that day, and it took me about half an hour to queue up. At first, I thought that more than 400 tickets were really expensive, but after a day of playing, I felt that they were worth more. It can really be played for a whole day. Personally, the core of Disney operation is to maximize your time in the park. The amusement items are divided into riding and viewing. The ride category recommends "Pirates of the Caribbean". This ride project was one I wanted to do again when I came out. The experience is very good. Combined with sound and light, it really makes you feel in the movie. The single experience time is about 15 minutes. This project is worth the ticket price after playing twice. If you talk too much, you will be the spoiler. Anyway, I strongly recommend it. It is suggested that you should be the first to enter the park. Another riding project is called "Jumping over the Horizon", which is also very powerful. Hang the tourists in the air and face a super large screen. The screen is a flight screen. The process will change and rise with the screen, and the seats will also have dynamic feedback. The experience is very real, and it will also release the corresponding smell. For example, when flying to the prairie, there will be the fragrance of grass. This project can also be a priority experience. In fact, rides are all themed and can be experienced. Even children's rides are worth experiencing as long as they have indoor scenes. The key is that the details are well done, and children will think that they are true.

Another riding project worth recommending is the "Super Speed Light Wheel". The atmosphere of the scene is full of future technology and immersion. The most important thing is that the speed is really fast. The indoor scene feels like walking through time. Anyway, the experience is really exciting, but the speed is really fast. I feel a little dizzy after experiencing it, but it is still worth experiencing. It's good to experience it once. It's estimated that you will vomit the second time. Ha ha.

In fact, Disney's biggest clocking project is a parade of Disney characters. The animated characters in their childhood passed in front of them one by one. The feeling is really only understood by those who have experienced it. What Disney has done well is that these characters will actively interact with you, which is not available in many parks. The richness of tourist experience determines the evaluation of a park. This interaction undoubtedly increases the good memories of tourists.

Disney can really play for a whole day, and we also need to plan the time, otherwise the project will not be finished, because the spectator performances are also very brilliant. We have seen every performance, and it can be said that every performance is very worth seeing. Especially in the immersive performance of the Pirates of the Caribbean series, the audience and actors can interact many times, and the audience is in the performance scene.

But the food and beverage in Disney is quite expensive. A set meal or noodles is basically about 100 yuan. But the taste is good, not like some scenic spots, expensive and tasteless.

The climax of the evening viewing is the fireworks light show of the castle, where there is a special viewing area. The viewing area is also divided into charge and free ones. The free ones have to go early to occupy seats. Generally, people wait there at 8:00 or 9:00 p.m., but we went there at 9:00, and the location was OK. The light show is also divided into several chapters, which is very good overall. Don't leave after playing all the projects. Don't miss this light show. After enjoying the fireworks show, you can walk with the army and go back to the hotel at the subway station.

The next day, I went to eat the breakfast of "Dexing Restaurant", and the taste was still sweet, but the "Sixi Baked Bran" was still delicious.

Today, I have been shopping around in Shanghai during the day. The biggest feeling is that Shanghai is really a city of accent. The street was full of coffee shops. At that time, it was more than 3 p.m., and people came out to drink afternoon tea everywhere. I didn't feel the curly feeling in the stereotype.

After eating sweet food for several days, I finally walked out of the "food desert" with a Cantonese meal in the evening. This is the end of this trip to the south of the Yangtze River.

However, the most haunting thing for me is the misty and soft atmosphere of Wuzhen. When I hear "Misty Rain Sings in Jiangnan", the scenery there will emerge. For me, that kind of scenery and atmosphere is very relaxing. My heart is peaceful, without impetuosity, and I only focus on the tranquility of the moment. I think I will go again.

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