What are the customs of the summer solstice? What does "Summer Jiujiu Song" write?

The summer solstice is the 10th solar term of the 24 solar terms. Dou refers to noon. On the summer solstice, the position where the sun shines directly on the ground reaches the northernmost point of the year, almost directly on the Tropic of Cancer. Because it is directly on the Tropic of Cancer, there is also a landscape of "standing pole without shadow". In short, if people on the Tropic of Cancer erect a pole vertically on the ground, they will not see the shadow at noon.

The summer solstice is the day with the longest daytime. Since then, the direct sunlight has gradually moved to the south, and the daytime time has become shorter day by day. Until the winter solstice, the sunlight directly shines on the Tropic of Capricorn, and the daytime time has reached the shortest, and so on.

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What are the customs of starting summer? What does Lixia call people? What are three delicacies to taste at the beginning of summer?

 Beginning of summer, 24 solar terms

The beginning of summer marks the arrival of summer and the first solar term of summer.

It is said that there is a record in the Book of Rites - The Order of the Moon that the ancient emperors would lead hundreds of officials to the southern suburbs of the capital to hold a ceremony to welcome the summer on the day of the beginning of summer. Because summer is very hot, it is symbolized by fire. At the ceremony, we should offer sacrifices to Emperor Yan for Zhu Rong. The monarchs and officials, including the emperors, should wear fiery red colors, and even the carriages and horses should be decorated with fiery red colors to express our hope for the growth of all things.

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What's the custom of Grain Rain Festival? Gu Yu Sacrifices Cang Jie?

Gu Yu is the last spring solar term in the 24 solar terms. The so-called "grain rain" is the rain of growing grain. Because the word "grain" of Gu Yu, originally called "grain", is composed of "shell" and "He", which originally means grains with shells, such as rice, millet, millet, wheat, etc. Grain rain is also the rain that nourishes the growth of grains, because this is the time when rainfall gradually increases.

Why is Gu Yu said to sacrifice to Cang Jie? Everyone knows that Cang Jie created characters. It is said that after Cang Jie coined the word, this was an earth shaking innovation. God sensed this innovation and rained grain, so there was a saying that "it rained on millet, and ghosts cried at night".

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