The integration of two different things may create new things. Listen to Micro Innovation

 Micro innovation, innovative thinking, listening

Recently, I heard a book called Micro Innovation, and I felt that its content was very interesting. The main idea of the book is that a little integration of two unrelated things will produce new valuable things, thus changing our lives.

There is an example of a businessman who was on a business trip overseas. It was the second time he stayed in the same hotel, but he had not yet produced any identity documents, the waiter warmly greeted him: "Welcome to stay in this hotel again.". The businessman was very satisfied with such a detailed service greeting, but he was also puzzled why the hotel knew that he was not the first time to settle in the hotel? Could it be that the monitoring of the hotel identified his face and then sent it to the front desk after big data analysis?

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Fake tour of medical closed circuit circuit to fool people, feeling after listening to "Black Box Thinking"

 Black box thinking, closed circuit circulation, plants, flowers, iris, beauty pictures, wallpaper

Recently I listened to a book called "Black Box Thinking", and I felt that the content in it was quite nutritious. What is black box thinking? In short, it is to record and face the mistakes made, learn from the mistakes, improve, and achieve the set goals step by step.

This is just like the current Internet products and APPs, which launch a version for trial and error, collect users' opinions, and then make improvements. Repeat this process on a regular basis to make the product more popular and loved by users. In short, it is a quick step and iteration. From the mistakes and defects again and again, we can find the shortcomings of the product, providing the direction for later optimization.

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Reading Miguel Street

 Reading, Miguel Street, full of human feelings, perception, lake view, lakeside

Miguel Street describes the common people in a small place. They don't pretend to be true to themselves. However, when someone encounters difficulties, they will give corresponding care and comfort, with strong human feelings. It also describes the common people《 The History of Hulan River 》It seems that people will only watch the lively, very indifferent. This may be caused by the background of the times, or by cultural differences.

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How to arrange your boring time

 Boring time, hobbies, interests, using time, writing, notebooks

The COVID-19 epidemic, which has lasted more than a month, has made many people choose to stay at home for one month. Many people feel extremely bored. They feel that their time every day is muddleheaded, they don't know what to do, they think it's boring, and they feel bored.

Let's talk about why we are bored. The reason for boredom is that we can't arrange time reasonably, so that time can produce some value. But now, suddenly, a lot of time has been added. If you can't use it properly for a long time, you will feel like living in a muddle.

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