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  • Helping Stars

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    Helpfulness index: 280

    Ranking List of Helping Stars

    ranking Nickname? Helpfulness index
    one xuemmf two hundred and eighty
    two seeing20 two hundred and eighty
    three xuemmf two hundred and eighty
    four Mobile phone users 1854 two hundred and eighty
    five Comfortable old dog two hundred and eighty
    six Play with you in fashion two hundred and eighty
    seven 383838uu two hundred and eighty
    eight qwed2701 two hundred and sixty-five
    nine Silence is golden lu two hundred and forty-five
    ten Set sail Musi two hundred and forty-five
  • Star of praise

    I received good comments in answering questions and answering questions
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    Praise Star Ranking List

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  • Star of Love

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    Thinking about your 0:01

    Total number of love points: 2000

    Loving Star Ranking List

    ranking Nickname? Caring index
    one Thinking about your 0:01 two thousand
    two Warner Yonglei one thousand
    three Dansi 592 one thousand
    four Penny Meng one thousand
    five Zhao Qiongling one thousand
    six Delia Jingya one thousand
    seven Zhu Liaochao one thousand
    eight Be strong for yourself one thousand
    nine Xiao Shendu one thousand
    ten It's hard to be confused one thousand
  • Answering Star

    Win victory for yourself by answering questions
    I'm honored


    Number of answers passed: 128

    Answering Star Ranking

    ranking Nickname? Number of answers passed
    one Love*** one hundred and twenty-eight
    two Element*** one hundred and twenty-one
    three w*** one hundred and eighteen
    four w*** one hundred and seventeen
    five Small*** one hundred
    six Solitary*** ninety-eight
    seven Crazy*** ninety-five
    eight Think*** ninety-one
    nine Single*** ninety
    ten Long time*** ninety

Selected Q&A

  • A willow

    ask What is the official position of Marquis Jiang

    answer "Jiang Hou" is not an official position, but a title. Jiang Hou: Pinyin is ji à ng h ó u, originally referring to Zhou Bo. Zhou Bo ate eight thousand one hundred and eighty households

  • Constellation Xiaochao People 86n1 j

    ask Poems for the 2022 Winter Olympics

    answer The modern poems welcoming the 2022 Winter Olympic Games include: 1. Congratulations on the Beijing Winter Olympic Games Li Wenchao: The snowboard and ice skates are in fierce competition, and Jinghua displays the five ring flag again

  • A willow

    ask What is the long white ribbon used to describe

    answer "Long white ribbons" can be used to describe water flows, such as rivers or waterfalls. For example, Li Bai's "Watching Lushan Waterfall": "Sunshine censer produces purple smoke

  • Doctor Zhang Lian 40

    ask Allegorical sayings on New Year's Day

    answer New Year's Day allegorical sayings are: 1. New Year's Day holiday - annual interest. 2. New Year's Day letter - first day cover. 3. New Year's editorial - civilization. 4. Get married on New Year's Day

  • Birds in the forest

    ask New Year greetings verses

    answer The New Year greeting poem has the following lines: 1. The sound of firecrackers is one year old, and the spring breeze warms Tusu—— Wang Anshi's "The First Day" 2. It's He Xi, and he said that

  • Birds in the forest

    ask Who is the author of one side

    answer The author of "One Side" is Ah Lei, and "One Side" is a narrative article mainly about people. In chronological order, the article recounts the whole experience of the meeting between the author and Lu Xun

  • Birds in the forest

    ask What are Wen Zong and Li Zong

    answer The liberal arts comprehensive ability test, referred to as "liberal arts comprehensive" or "liberal arts comprehensive", refers to the combination of ideological and political, history and geography in the college entrance examination

  • Doctor Zhang Lian 40

    ask Several bars are a phrase

    answer It is generally a phrase composed of 4 bars and 8 bars. A phrase is a basic structural unit with characteristics that constitutes a piece of music. Phrase

  • Surdy wants to live a simple and happy life qtfi

    ask Why Ouyang Xiu said that villains have no friends

    answer Ouyang Xiu said that "villains have no friends" because villains and villains are friends because they have the same interests, while villains love and covet money

  • Red Rose

    ask A passage describing the playground

    answer The paragraphs describing the playground are as follows: 1. Instantly, the playground is crowded and bustling. 2. The playground was boiling and there were shouts everywhere. 3、...

  • Doctor Zhang Lian 40

    ask What is the meaning of the second grade

    answer "Half believing and half doubting" means half believing and half doubting, which means not sure about the truth. Provenance: 1. Answering the Theory of No Good or Bad Life in a Difficult House: "

  • Red Rose

    ask What is the position

    answer "Position" refers to the place occupied by the army for fighting, usually with blockhouses, trenches and other fortifications. Sentence: 1. At the command of the enemy, the battlefield resounded

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