
Should salted duck eggs be refrigerated in the refrigerator?

Happy Stars
Favorable reply

Salted duck eggs can be refrigerated in the refrigerator, but it is not necessary.

If you buy untreated salted duck eggs, you can store them in a cool place at room temperature to maintain their taste and taste.

If you decide to put salted duck eggs in the refrigerator for refrigeration, it is recommended to put them in a sealed container to prevent them from absorbing the taste of other foods in the refrigerator. The shelf life of salted duck eggs is usually weeks to months, so you can eat them safely during the cold storage period.

In conclusion, whether salted duck eggs need to be refrigerated depends on your personal preference and storage time. If you want to keep salted duck eggs for a long time, cold storage is a good choice.

Happy Stars 2024-04-02 00:58:42
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