
All iPhone models

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All iPhone models

Since Apple released the first iPhone in 2007, iPhone has become one of the most popular smartphone brands in the world. Over time, the iPhone has introduced new versions and models. In this article, we will introduce you to the full range of iPhone models.

iPhone 2G

The iPhone 2G is the first smartphone launched by Apple in 2007. It uses a full touch screen design, carries the iOS operating system, and provides quite a few innovative functions, such as mobile web browser, iTunes music media player, etc. Compared with the modern iPhone, the hardware configuration and functions of the iPhone 2G are relatively limited. This phone has only one storage capacity: 8GB. In addition, the pixels of the mobile phone camera are also relatively low, only 2 million pixels.

iPhone 3G

The iPhone 3G is a smart phone launched by Apple in 2008. Compared with the previous generation iPhone, iPhone 3G has new functions such as GPS navigation, 3G wireless network connection and application store. In addition, iPhone 3G upgraded its storage capacity to 16GB or 32GB, and increased the camera resolution to 3 million pixels.

iPhone 3GS

IPhone 3GS is a smart phone launched by Apple in 2009. It is an upgraded version of iPhone 3G. The performance of this mobile phone has been greatly improved, such as faster running speed, camera resolution increased to 5 million pixels, etc. In addition, the iPhone 3GS also adds clipboard function, voice control function, electronic compass function, etc.

iPhone 4/4S

The iPhone 4 is a smartphone launched by Apple in 2010. At this time, Apple began to use the design language of double-sided glass design and metal frame, making the appearance of the iPhone 4 more beautiful and more abrasion resistant than previous generations of mobile phones. The iPhone 4 also adds some new functions, such as FaceTime video call function and Retina display screen. The iPhone 4S has been upgraded on the basis of the iPhone 4. Mainly upgraded the processor and camera, and added new functions such as Siri AI voice assistant.

iPhone 5/5C/5S

The iPhone 5 is a smartphone launched by Apple in 2012. The phone has a thinner, lighter, longer design and uses a more advanced A6 processor. In addition, the iPhone 5 is equipped with new designs such as an 8 megapixel camera and Lightning interface. The iPhone 5C is a cheap version of the iPhone 5 launched by Apple in 2013. It uses polycarbonate plastic body design, but its basic configuration is the same as the iPhone 5. The iPhone 5S is upgraded on the basis of the iPhone 5, adding new functions such as Touch ID fingerprint recognition, A7 processor, etc.

iPhone 6/6 Plus

IPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus are smartphones launched by Apple in 2014. They have larger screen size, higher resolution, more powerful A8 processor, higher pixel camera and new iOS 8 operating system. In addition, the iPhoen 6Plus sold this time has improved in terms of phone size, pixel, etc.

iPhone 6S/6S Plus

The iPhone 6S and iPhone 6S Plus are smartphones launched by Apple in 2015. They are basically the same as the iPhone 6/6 Plus, but they add new functions such as 3D Touch, faster Touch ID fingerprint recognition, and higher pixel camera.

iPhone SE

The iPhone SE is a smartphone launched by Apple in 2016. Its design is basically the same as that of the iPhone 5S, but it has new features such as higher resolution, more powerful A9 processor and 12 megapixel camera.

iPhone 7/7 Plus

IPhone 7 and iPhone 7 Plus are smart phones launched by Apple in 2016. They use more advanced A10 Fusion processor, higher pixel camera, faster wireless connection and other new functions. In addition, the iPhone 7 Plus has a new dual camera design, providing a wider shooting range.

iPhone 8/8 Plus

IPhone 8 and iPhone 8 Plus are smart phones launched by Apple in 2017. They use new functions such as glass body design, advanced A11 Bionic processor, and higher pixel camera. In addition, the iPhone 8 Plus has also added a new Portrait Lighting portrait lighting effect camera design.

iPhone X

The iPhone X is a smart phone launched by Apple in 2017. It is a brand new design, which uses a full screen, fringe display, glass body and other new designs. It is equipped with advanced A11 Bionic processor, new face recognition technology and other new functions, marking the design revolution of the iPhone.


With the constant upgrading and replacement of the iPhone, Apple continues to introduce new smart phone molds. Now that you have learned the most important new features of each iPhone mold, as well as the design scheme and hardware specifications of the device itself, you can choose your own smart phone.

Know yourself 2024-03-28 22:15:02
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