
The world's tallest building Burj Khalifa

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The world's tallest building Burj Khalifa

Dubai is a global business and financial center as well as a tourist destination. It is famous for its luxury, wonders, artificial islands and other attractions. However, the most popular tourist attraction in this city is Burj Khalifa, a high-rise building with a height of 828 meters.

Design and Build

The construction of Burj Khalifa started in September 2004 and was officially opened to the public on January 4, 2010 after several adjustments. Its design concept comes from American architect Adrian Smith. It was built by Emaar Properties, a local construction engineering company adjacent to Outer Charleston, with a total construction area of 309473 square meters.

The whole building complex is composed of three independent towers. Each tower has its own independent equipment and infrastructure. The Burj Khalifa residential area is from the first floor to the 156 floor, while the Burj Khalifa hotel area is from the 157 floor to the 163 floor above. In addition to these floors, Burj Khalifa has six rooftop floors and a view floor on the 124th floor.

world record

Burj Khalifa created many height records when it was built:

The highest building in the world; The highest man-made structure in the world; The world's highest free fall swimming pool; The world's highest floating stage performance; The world's highest aerial viewing platform; The highest golf hole in the world; The world's highest green screen (LED); The world's largest spanning structure.

Why is Burj Khalifa so important?

The construction of Burj Khalifa is a huge investment for Dubai. It took six and a half years and a budget of 4.5 billion dollars to build the building. It has brought Dubai great wealth and reputation. It has become a representative city landmark and opened up new opportunities for the local economy and tourism.

Burj Khalifa is also widely used in other fields. It is used as a scientific and engineering research project to understand the physical characteristics of higher buildings. The building also faces the problem of how to provide stable water pressure and air circulation for hundreds of floors of equipment. The solutions and technical methods to these problems can be used for the design and construction of other high-rise buildings.

Visit the building

Burj Khalifa's floor layout is quite ingenious, and each floor has a special theme and exhibition. If you are interested in Dubai history, you can go to the Islamic Culture Museum on the 39th floor. Detailed information about Dubai's culture, architecture and traditions is provided here. If you want to experience the height of Burj Khalifa, you can take the fastest elevator to the observation deck on the 124th floor.


Burj Khalifa is not only a representative tall building, it also represents the artificial dream and technological progress. The construction of Burj Khalifa not only has a profound impact on the architectural history of Dubai and the United Arab Emirates, but also has become one of the important landmark buildings in the world's architectural field.

peony 2024-03-27 16:55:19
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