
Explore Suzuki Tianyu Forum: an exchange platform for motorcycles

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Explore Suzuki Tianyu Forum: an exchange platform for motorcycles

With the development of the times, more and more people choose motorcycles as their way of travel. In order to better exchange learning and share experience, Suzuki Tianyu Forum came into being.

1. Forum Introduction

Suzuki Tianyu Forum is an online communication platform dedicated to motorcycle enthusiasts, providing various information and services about motorcycles. Founded in 2008, it is also one of the earliest motorcycle exchange forums in China.

2. Forum

The Suzuki Tianyu Forum includes several sections, among which the most popular ones are "Locomotive Maintenance Summary", "Modification and Beautifying Area", etc. In the "Locomotive Maintenance Summary" section, users can post questions about motorcycle faults and maintenance, and get answers from other users; In the "Modification and beautification area" section, users can share their motorcycle modification and beautification experience. In addition, the forum also has "Novice on the Road", "Second hand Motorcycle", "Event Party" and other sections, which users can choose according to their own needs.

3. User activity

By the end of 2019, Suzuki Tianyu Forum had about 1.7 million registered users, with an average daily active user of 15000. These users come from all ages, occupations and regions, and together form a passionate and knowledgeable motorcycle exchange circle.

4. Features

In addition to the regular posting and replying functions, Suzuki Tianyu Forum also provides some special services, such as online live broadcast, event registration, etc. In addition, the forum has also established a strict management system to ensure that users' words and deeds comply with the community code.

5. Loyal user witness

On the Suzuki Tianyu Forum, many loyal users witnessed the importance and value of this platform. "I made a lot of motorcycle friends and learned a lot about motorcycles here, which made me love motorcycles!" "No matter what problems I encountered, there will always be someone in the forum who can help me answer them. This is a really warm community!"


As a professional motorcycle exchange platform, Suzuki Tianyu Forum aims to provide a platform for motorcycle friends to share and exchange experiences. Here, you can not only acquire rich motorcycle related knowledge, but also make friends with like-minded people. If you also love motorcycles, you might as well join the Suzuki Tianyu Forum and become a member of this big family!

Sleeping in spring and not knowing the dawn 2024-03-31 19:23:47
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