
Simple and easy to learn method of fried beef with tomato

Acacia turns into red tears
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Simple and easy to learn method of fried beef with tomato

Stir fried beef with tomato is a common home dish. It tastes delicious and is very suitable for eating with rice. Here is a simple and easy way to make delicious fried beef with tomato at home.

Main ingredients:

Beef: 250g

Tomatoes: 2

Onion: 1

Small red pepper: 1

Garlic: moderate

Salt: moderate

Light soy sauce: moderate

Cooking wine: moderate

Starch: moderate

Oil: proper amount

Step 1: Processing food materials

Cut the beef into thin slices, add a small amount of salt, soy sauce, cooking wine, starch and proper amount of water, mix well, and marinate for 10 minutes. Cut the tomato into small pieces, onion into small pieces, and red pepper into filiform.

Step 2: Fried beef

When the heat is 70% hot, add the marinated beef and stir it over low heat until it changes color. Take it out after turning off the fire and put it into the disk for standby.

Step 3: Stir fry tomatoes

Pour some oil into the pan, add onion and garlic to fry until fragrant. Then put in tomato pieces, add a small amount of salt and water, stir fry quickly over high fire until soft and rotten, and juice appears. At this time, add the shredded red pepper, and then pour the pre fried beef into the pot again, stir evenly, and then add a small amount of soy sauce for seasoning.

Step 4: out of the pot

After stir frying evenly, add proper amount of salt and sugar to taste according to personal taste. Finally, put the fried beef with tomato on the plate and enjoy.

This is a simple way to stir fry beef with tomato. I hope you can learn how to make it at home and try to make it, so that you and your family can enjoy the delicious flavor.

Acacia turns into red tears 2024-03-27 03:47:07
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