
How to make crispy meat: let you taste the delicacy of delicate meat and rich taste!

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Crispy meat, a traditional Chinese dish, is famous for its crispy outside and tender inside, fragrant but not greasy taste. Originally originated in Shandong, originated from tofu. Later, it evolved into a local famous dish with unique flavor, which was made of pork as the main material. Today, we will introduce you how to make delicious crisp meat, so that you can taste this food at home!

The method of making crisp meat is divided into four steps: preparing materials, cutting meat, seasoning, curing and cooking. Next, we will introduce each step in detail.

stores reserve

The materials needed for making crisp meat are: pork (tender meat, suitable for fatty three-layer meat or pork with streaks), brown sugar, soybean paste, pepper powder, soy sauce, cooking wine, ginger, garlic, etc.

Cut meat

Cut the pork into a long strip about two fingers wide, usually 8-10 cm long. The two sides of each pork should be cut with some horizontal knife edges, which is conducive to inserting the marinade to make the meat taste more delicious.

Seasoning and curing

Slightly cut the cut pork with a knife, then mix it with a certain proportion of brown sugar, soybean paste, pepper, soy sauce, cooking wine, ginger slices, and garlic slices, put it into the pork, mix well and pickle it. Every 500 grams of pork needs about 10 grams of salt, and the curing time should be better than three hours to achieve the effect of flavor.


The cured pork is blanched in boiling water, and the water should cover the meat. When cooked, take it out to dry, then fry it in the pan until the surface is golden.

Finally, the pastry is finished. The delicious food is about to be served, and a mellow fragrance is coming to your nose, which makes you salivate. The meat is delicate, crisp, and fragrant. After eating, the aftertaste is long and unforgettable.

In short, crisp meat is a good food for winter. As a traditional Chinese dish, its mellow taste and wonderful taste make it a favorite of food lovers and consumers. I hope the production method introduced in this article can let everyone enjoy this delicious crisp meat at home!

Lily sprouts new branches again 2024-03-31 23:23:16
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