
How to Stew Mutton

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How to Stew Mutton

Mutton is a very good ingredient, and its taste is very good. How to stew mutton? Today I will introduce it to you.

Purchasing raw materials

First, we need to buy high-quality mutton. Generally speaking, the mutton bought must be fresh and odorless, and the color should be reddish. When shopping, you can touch water with your fingers and gently wipe the surface of mutton. If the surface is covered with water, it means the mutton is fresh.

Prepare condiments

Stewed mutton is simple, but the ingredients are very important. Codonopsis pilosula, Chinese yam, Chinese wolfberry, cinnamon, ginger, onion and jujube are all very important condiments. Among them, Codonopsis pilosula and yam can tonify the middle and replenish qi, medlar contains rich antioxidants, cinnamon can improve blood circulation, ginger and onion can eliminate the peculiar smell of mutton, and jujube can increase the sweetness of meat.

Cleaning method

Next, we need to rinse the mutton with water first. Rub clean the water and put it into the pot. Pour in cold boiled water. The heat should be higher. When the water boils, use a colander to skim the foam. Pour out the water again, add the cold water again after passing the cold water, and start the stew. At the same time, you can put onion, ginger, garlic and other spices into the pot to stew together.

Blanching water treatment

In addition to cleaning treatment, blanching treatment can also be selected. Cut the mutton into pieces, boil the mutton, blanch it for two minutes, and then remove it. Then put the boiled mutton into the pot and add water. At the same time, some ginger and cooking wine can be added to remove the odor and enhance the aroma of mutton.

Stewing process

During the stewing process, it is necessary to constantly watch the pot to ensure the consistency of the water. You can add proper amount of salt and MSG according to your taste to make the soup more delicious. After stewing, take out the mutton and put it into a bowl, and pour the soup of stewed mutton!


1. Pay attention to the time when mutton is stewed, and at least half an hour's pot is required. The safe way to clear soup is to turn down the heat and continue to stew for about 40 minutes after happy boiling.
2. If you are afraid of trouble, you can also directly add flavored tofu skin, radish, potatoes and other ingredients to cook together.

The above is about how to stew mutton. In fact, the method of stewing mutton is not complicated. Just pay attention to a few tips to make a delicious mutton soup. Hope you like it!

Like flowers but not flowers 2024-03-25 10:12:42
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