
What does ox mean?

Middle aged white haired man
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What does ox mean?

Ox is the abbreviation of "Oxygen" in English, which means oxygen in Chinese. Oxygen is one of the most important elements in nature, belonging to chemical element, with atomic number of 8. Oxygen is very important for humans and animals, because it is one of the gases necessary for our life. In the atmosphere, oxygen accounts for 21% of it, and also exists in water and many compounds. In addition, oxygen is also used in various industrial fields, such as steel manufacturing, fireworks shows, etc. Therefore, oxygen is widely used in all aspects of life and industrial fields.
In addition, "ox" can also be used as a separate word in English to mean a bull, because early trucks and carriages were pulled by cattle, making "ox" very common in rural areas of England.

Middle aged white haired man 2024-03-28 18:58:21
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