
Explore Bubugao x21 to open a new smartphone experience

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Explore Bubugao x21 to open a new smartphone experience

Nowadays, mobile phones have become an indispensable part of people's life. As a smart phone, Bubugao x21 stands out among many brands. It has excellent appearance design and powerful performance. More importantly, it brings users a new interactive experience.

In terms of appearance design, Step Height x21 uses a 5.72 inch screen with a resolution of 2160 * 1080 pixels, and the display effect is very clear. At the same time, the ultra narrow border design makes the phone more delicate and comfortable. In addition, the machine also adopts double-sided glass material and metal frame design, making the overall texture more advanced and durable.

In terms of hardware configuration, Bubugao x21 is equipped with an eight core processor and 4GB of running memory. At the same time, intelligent targeted automatic battery energy saving technology and efficient power supply technology are also added to ensure the stability and endurance of the mobile phone. In addition, the machine is also equipped with a 3200mAh battery, which can easily achieve a one-day life under ordinary use conditions to meet the daily needs of users.

Bubugao x21 has not only achieved outstanding performance in appearance design and hardware configuration, but also in software application. The machine is equipped with a new self-developed cloud intelligence multi in one software platform. On this basis, a number of intelligent functions such as intelligent voice and face recognition are added, so that users can use the phone more conveniently. For example, through smart voice, multiple operations such as voice dialing and SMS sending can be realized, which facilitates users' application operations on mobile phones.

Finally, it is worth mentioning that Bubugao x21 also has a very reasonable price. Users can have a more powerful smart phone with less money. Therefore, Bubugao x21 deserves users' consideration in terms of design, hardware configuration and software application.


To sum up, as a domestic smart phone, Bubugao x21 has very outstanding performance and functions. The design, hardware configuration and software application can meet the daily use needs. It is undoubtedly a work of conscience in the market. If you are looking for a cost-effective smartphone, Bubugao x21 will be a good choice.

Laugh at life 2024-03-26 00:57:48
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Q: Does the corpse fragrant konjac really exist

A: Corpse fragrant Amorphophallus really exists. It is a rare and endangered plant in the world. The number of wild plants is very small, and it is difficult to blossom. It takes at least seven years to blossom. Although the number has increased after artificial cultivation, it will be more difficult to make it blossom than wild plants. This is a perennial herb of Araceae, native to Sumatra Island. Because of its strange shape, It is famous for its enchanting color and strange fragrance. It is said that it will create illusion to lure people to death. It is a "devil's flower". At present, the wild plants of this kind of flowers only grow in the tropical rainforest of Sumatra, Indonesia. They were discovered by Italian botanist Oddo Becalli in 1878. Since then, many countries have introduced and cultivated them. The first record of artificial flowering was in 1889 in Kew Royal Botanical Garden, London, England. The United States also has introduction and cultivation. The earliest flowering record is in the New York Botanical Garden, which bloomed in 1937 and 1939 respectively. After so many years of artificial cultivation, the number of this plant has increased year by year, and now it is no longer a rare plant. According to statistics, there are about five reports of this flower blooming in botanical gardens around the world every year, that is to say, we have five opportunities to see it bloom every year. It is the prototype of corpse flavored konjac, also called Titan konjac flower, or corpse smelled konjac, written in Ghost Blowing the Lamp. In botanical gardens around the world, Germany is the best place to cultivate this plant. In 2003, a corpse flavored konjac plant in the German Botanical Garden in Bonn broke the Guinness world record with a height of 2.74 meters. On October 20, 2005, the Wilhelma Zoological and Botanical Garden in Stuttgart, Germany, broke the record again, A giant Amorphophallus konjac with a flower height of 2.91 meters was planted.

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