
How to cook delicious and nutritious millet porridge

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How to cook delicious and nutritious millet porridge

Millet is an extremely healthy ingredient, which is often used to cook porridge. However, how can you cook millet with good taste and rich nutrition? Here are some tips to help you cook delicious millet porridge easily.

1. Material selection

When buying millet, you should choose fresh and clean millet and smell if there is any odor. If there is, it is not very fresh. It is better not to buy millet.

2. Soaking

Soak millet overnight and add some white vinegar to remove impurities and bacteria. The millet porridge cooked in this way can be more tender, smooth and sweet.

3. Control of proportion

Before cooking millet porridge, it is necessary to master the proportion of soaked rice. Generally speaking, if you want the rice to taste sticky, you can add twice as much water first; If you want the rice to become thinner, you can add more water.

4. Moderate mixing

In the process of cooking millet porridge, it is necessary to stir it properly, so that the rice can be cooked better, and the flame should not be too big, otherwise it is easy to make the bottom of the rice paste burnt.

5. Add some small ingredients

When cooking millet porridge, you can add some favorite ingredients, such as red dates, lotus seeds, longans, etc. These together can be nutritious, and can also increase the taste and flavor of millet porridge.

6. Control temperature

When cooking millet porridge, the temperature must be well controlled. The fire power should not be too large or too small. You can adjust the fire size at any time to maintain the atmosphere when the water is boiling, so that millet porridge can be heated more evenly.

7. Cook in a stuffy way and observe carefully

The last step of cooking millet porridge is to cook it in a stuffy way. Turn the heat down to medium or low heat, then cover the pot with a lid, wait 15-20 minutes, and then lift the lid with a match to observe the cooking of millet porridge. If the water has been absorbed, the millet porridge has been cooked.

Finally, we successfully cooked a delicious and nutritious millet porridge. I hope you can learn it and try it!

The wine is too sweet, you are too bitter 2024-03-28 13:48:02
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