
Who plays Pan Jinlian—— Bai Jing and Pan Jinlian's Multifacedness

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Who plays Pan Jinlian—— Bai Jing and Pan Jinlian's Multifacedness

From Li Xiangning to Zhou Yong, Pan Jinlian has different images in different versions of Journey to the West. In the most popular "The Thirteen Hairpins in Jinling", Pan Jinlian was performed by Bai Jing, who used her acting skills to perfectly interpret Pan Jinlian's multifaceted role.

Bai Jing was born in Shanghai. She started making films at the age of 14. Later, she became an actor, and with her excellent performance, she played an important role in many works such as "Daughter Love". However, until 1993, when "The Thirteen Hairpins in Jinling" was shot, Bai Jing did not get a chance to attract attention.

For such a key role, especially for a female role like Pan Jinlian, after re adaptation, new actors often face enormous pressure and challenges. But Bai Jing successfully seized the opportunity and left a deep impression on the audience with her unique acting skills.

Pan Jinlian is a very controversial character. She shows different characteristics in her novels and various changes. She understands people's hearts and is good at using her beauty and eloquence to attract others' attention. However, when she was used and persecuted by others, she showed a fragile side. Through Bai Jing's exquisite acting skills, the audience can experience Pan Jinlian's complex inner world and the problems that traditional women have to face in the male society.

Bai Jing's performance makes Pan Jinlian a more deeply rooted, complex and contradictory character. She showed Pan Jinlian's intelligence and wit through her rich coping skills, and at the same time, she conveyed Pan Jinlian's bitterness and grievances through her unwilling and heartrending cry.

Although Pan Jinlian's naive, naughty, confident and sad emotional styles are very different, Bai Jing interweaves them together in her performance to show the role very vividly, or truly. When "The Thirteen Hairpins of Jinling" became one of the successful films, it was also because Bai Jing successfully captured the spirit core of the role and simplified many aspects of it.

In a word, Bai Jing's excellent performance in "The Thirteen Hairpins in Jinling" further demonstrates the ability of actors to play different roles. Therefore, the reason why Pan Jinlian can be deeply remembered by the audience is that she has been comprehensively and deeply displayed in this film, and the leader of all this is Bai Jing.

Concealment 2024-03-25 05:13:51
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