
How to make oatmeal porridge? Teach you nutrition and simple!

Bright Sword
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People pay more and more attention to nutritious and healthy food, among which oats are a kind of food that attracts much attention. Oatmeal porridge is simple, nutritious and easy to digest, so it is very popular. Today, we will teach you how to make delicious oatmeal porridge in a simple way.

Material Science:

1. Oats: 100g

2. Water: 600ml

3. Milk: 200ml

4. Sugar: moderate


1. Rinse the oats and put them into the pot.

2. Add clean water, boil it over high heat, and then boil it down for 20 minutes.

3. While boiling oats, boil a pot of boiling water.

4. Pour the boiled oats into the boiling water and boil for another 5 minutes.

5. Add milk, boil and turn off the heat.

6. Finally, add some sugar, depending on your taste.

Simple oatmeal porridge is ready, and then you can enjoy a delicious, nutritious and healthy breakfast!

In addition, here are some tips for oatmeal:

1. It is recommended to use oatmeal because it is easier to boil than ordinary oatmeal.

2. If you prefer a smoother taste, you can use a mixer or compressor to polish it.

3. Oats have no taste, so you can add various fruits and honey according to your taste.

4. Oat porridge has very high nutritional value, rich in dietary fiber, protein, vitamins and minerals.

In short, oatmeal porridge is a very nutritious and healthy food and an indispensable part of breakfast. I hope you can try to make it at home!

Bright Sword 2024-03-30 02:08:22
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