
High heat of ice powder? reduce weight?

The faint fragrance assails people
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Ice powder is a kind of cold dish made of starch as the main raw material, which is usually used to relieve the heat in summer. Ice powder itself does not contain high calorie ingredients, but sweet spices such as syrup, fruit juice, jam, coconut milk will be added during the production process, which will increase the heat of ice powder.

If you are losing weight, eating ice powder may not be a good choice. Although the heat of ice powder itself is not high, its sugar content is high, which easily leads to blood sugar fluctuations and makes you hungry. In addition, ice powder is usually eaten as a dessert or snack, which is easy to lead you to consume too much sugar and calories, thus affecting the weight loss effect.

If you like ice powder very much, you can consider making it at home. Use low sugar or sugar free seasoning to control the intake of calories and sugar. In addition, it is recommended to eat more vegetables, fruits, lean meat and other low calorie, high nutrition foods during the weight loss period, together with appropriate exercise, to achieve the effect of weight loss.

The faint fragrance assails people 2024-04-05 08:33:58
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Q: Is there really sandalwood penalty in history

Answer: Sandalwood punishment is to cut a sandalwood into the shape of a sword, which is longer and wider than the sword. After it is made, it is boiled in hot sesame oil. When it is cooked, dough and raw beef are added to make sandalwood smell of grain and meat. After five days of cooking, sandalwood will become very hard and flexible on the surface, but the surface will be very smooth, because the sesame oil is soaked into the stick, then this cruel torture tool is ready. Looking through the history books, it is true that there is no such cruel punishment in Chinese history. However, in European history, there was a similar punishment in Europe in the Middle Ages: it is not sandalwood, but a stick that passed through.

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