
Cm scale: a common tool for measuring length

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Cm scale: a common tool for measuring length

The centimeter scale is a commonly used tool for measuring length, which is usually used in home, school, office and other occasions. It is composed of a ruler about 30cm long with scales in cm, mm and other units.

Types of centimeter scale

The centimeter scale is usually divided into plastic and metal. The plastic centimeter scale is light and easy to carry, and is usually used by students; The metal centimeter scale is durable and strong, suitable for engineering, construction and other fields.

Usage of centimeter scale

When using the centimeter scale, it is necessary to place the item on a flat table or ground, and then place the centimeter scale flat on the edge of the item. Note that the centimeter scale and the edge of the item should closely fit, so that the scale line should conform to the actual length as far as possible.

When using, pay attention to the smallest unit of the scale line. If more accurate measurement is required, the millimeter scale can be used. In addition, it should be cleaned in time after use and kept dry and tidy to prevent the dust and dirt on the scale from affecting the measurement accuracy.

Application range of centimeter scale

The centimeter scale is widely used in daily life to measure the length of furniture, clothes, books, stationery and other items. In addition, the centimeter scale is often used to measure the length, width, height and other parameters in real scenes such as buildings and projects.

In a word, the centimeter scale is a very practical measuring tool, which is not only useful in learning and daily life, but also widely used in various engineering fields.

For your return 2024-03-30 05:43:19
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