
Mosquitoes are so annoying that they fly in your ears as soon as you fall asleep?

Middle aged messenger
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Mosquitoes are active at night. They look for human and animal blood by sensing carbon dioxide, body temperature and smell. When mosquitoes approach humans, they will make high-frequency sound, which is caused by the vibration of their wings. This sound is sensitive to human hearing, so you can feel mosquitoes flying around your ears.

Mosquitoes bite humans in order to absorb proteins and nutrients in the blood, which are very important for the survival and reproduction of mosquitoes. Mosquito saliva contains an antithrombin, which can prevent human blood from coagulating, so that mosquitoes can better absorb blood. However, mosquito saliva can also cause allergic reactions in humans, leading to uncomfortable symptoms such as redness, itching and swelling of the skin.

In order to avoid being bitten by mosquitoes, the following measures can be taken:

1. Use mosquito nets or curtains to prevent mosquitoes from entering the room.

2. Use mosquito repellents, such as sprays, paints or electric mosquito repellents.

3. Wear long sleeved trousers to avoid exposing the skin.

4. Avoid going out during mosquito activity or going to mosquito intensive places.

5. Change your living habits, such as eating less sweets and alcohol, because these substances will attract mosquitoes.

In short, mosquitoes are active at night, looking for blood by sensing the smell, temperature and carbon dioxide of humans and animals. In order to avoid being bitten by mosquitoes, a series of measures can be taken to prevent it.

Middle aged messenger 2024-04-06 21:06:45
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